Source code for elektronn2.neuromancer.computations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN2 Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2015 Marius F. Killinger
# All rights reserved

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import filter, hex, input, int, map, next, oct, pow, range, super, zip

from itertools import product
import logging
import re

import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.gpuarray
import theano.tensor.signal.pool
import theano.tensor as T

from ..config import config

logger = logging.getLogger('elektronn2log')

context_name = None  # TODO: What? Should we register a context first and retrieve it here?
dnn_avail = theano.gpuarray.dnn.dnn_available(context_name)

# TODO: Once everything works, try removing explicit distinctions between dnn and theano-native stuff. The new backend should handle them automatically.

[docs]def apply_except_axis(x, axis, func): """ Apply a contraction function on all but one axis. Parameters ---------- x: T.Tensor Input tensor. axis: int Axis to exclude on application. func: function A function with signature ``func(x, axis=)`` eg T.mean, T.std ... Returns ------- T.Tensor Contraction of ``x``, but of the same dimensionality. """ x = T.swapaxes(x, 0, axis) # put axis on front x = T.flatten(x, 2) # flatten remainder y = func(x, axis=1) return y
# TODO: Support arbitrary callables for activation_func arg
[docs]def apply_activation(x, activation_func, b1=None): """ Return an activation function callable matching the name Allowed names: 'relu', 'tanh','prelu', 'sigmoid', 'maxout <i>', 'lin','abs','soft+', 'elu', 'selu'. Parameters ---------- x: T.Tensor Input tensor. activation_func: str Name of the activation function. b1 Optional b1 parameter for the activation function. If this is None, no parameter is passed. Returns ------- T.Tensor Activation function applied to ``x``. """ func = None if activation_func=='tanh': # range = [-1,1] func = T.tanh elif activation_func=='relu': # rectified linear unit ,range = [0,inf] func = T.nnet.relu elif activation_func=='prelu': # parameterised relu # T.nnet.relu also implements prelu (with extra "alpha" parameter) func = T.nnet.relu elif activation_func=='elu': # exponential linear unit func = T.nnet.elu elif activation_func=='selu': # scaled exponential linear unit (for SNNs) def selu(y): """ SELU for Self-Normalizing Networks ( T.nnet.selu() is only available in Theano 0.10+, so we implement it ourselves. """ alpha = 1.6732632423543772848170429916717 scale = 1.0507009873554804934193349852946 return scale * T.nnet.elu(x, alpha) func = selu elif activation_func=='abs': # abs unit ,range = [0,inf] func = T.abs_ elif activation_func in ['sig', 'logistic', 'sigmoid']: # range = [0,1] func = T.nnet.sigmoid elif activation_func=='soft+': func = T.nnet.softplus elif activation_func in ['lin', 'linear']: def lin(y): return y func = lin elif activation_func=='concentration': def func(y): #return T.square(T.nnet.softplus(y)) + 2.0 return T.nnet.softplus(y)*7 + 2.0 elif activation_func=='radius': def func(y): return 3+15*T.exp(0.15*y) #T.nnet.softplus(y+5)**1.5 elif activation_func.startswith("maxout"): r = int(re.findall('\d+', activation_func)[0]) def _maxout(y): return maxout(y, factor=r) func = _maxout else: funcs = ['relu', 'tanh','prelu', 'sigmoid', 'maxout <i>', 'lin','abs','soft+', 'concentration', 'radius'] raise NotImplementedError("%s. Permitted activation_funcs :%s" \ %( activation_func, funcs,)) if b1 is None: y = func(x) else: y = func(x, b1) return y
[docs]def softmax(x, axis=1, force_builtin=False): """ Calculate softmax (pseudo probabilities). Parameters ---------- x: T.Tensor Input tensor. axis: int Axis on which to apply softmax. force_builtin: bool force usage of ``theano.tensor.nnet.softmax`` (more stable). Returns ------- T.Tensor ``x`` with softmax applied, same shape. """ if dnn_avail and config.use_manual_cudnn_conv: # order must always be bc01, and x must always be 4d if axis==1: dnn_sm = theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnSoftmax('accurate', 'channel') if x.ndim==4: logger.debug("Using cuDNN softmax") y = dnn_sm(x) return y elif x.ndim==5: # remap to 4d, this is memory friendly logger.debug("Using cuDNN softmax") sh = x.shape y = dnn_sm(x.flatten(4)).reshape(sh) return y # if axis!=1 use own softmax (I don't want to do dimshuffles just to use # dnn, it is not that much faster anyway) if x.ndim==2 and axis==1: return T.nnet.softmax(x) elif force_builtin: raise NotImplementedError() else: e_x = T.exp(x - x.max(axis, keepdims=True)) y = e_x / e_x.sum(axis, keepdims=True) return y
[docs]def dot(x, W, axis=1): """ Calculate a tensordot between 1 axis of ``x`` and the first axis of ``W``. Requires ``x.shape[axis]==W.shape[0]``. Identical to dot if ``x``, ``W`` 2d and ``axis==1``. Parameters ---------- x: T.Tensor Input tensor. W: T.Tensor Weight tensor, (f_in, f_out). axis: int Axis on ``x`` to apply dot. Returns ------- T.Tensor ``x`` with dot applied. The shape of ``x`` changes on ``axis`` to ``n_out``. """ if axis<1: raise ValueError("Dot on first axis is not supported") if x.ndim==2 and axis==1: return, W) y = T.tensordot(x, W, axes=[axis,0]) # (1, 100, 5, 300, 200) (5, 7) --> (1, 100, 300, 200, 7) k = x.ndim - axis end = np.roll(np.arange(k)+axis, 1) begin = np.arange(axis) pattern = np.concatenate((begin,end)) y = y.transpose(*pattern) return y
[docs]def upconv(x, w, stride, x_shape=None, w_shape=None, axis_order='dnn'): assert stride is not None stride = tuple(stride) conv_dim = len(stride) border_mode = 'valid' # if (x_shape is None) or (None in x_shape): # variable batch size or so # x_shape = None if conv_dim==1: x = x.dimshuffle(0, 1, 2, 'x') w = w.dimshuffle(0, 1, 2, 'x') if w_shape is not None: w_shape = list(w_shape) + [1, ] if x_shape is not None: x_shape = list(x_shape) + [1, ] stride = list(stride) + [1, ] y = T.nnet.conv2d_grad_wrt_inputs(x, w, x_shape, w_shape, border_mode, subsample=stride, filter_flip=False) y = y[:, :, :, 0] elif conv_dim==2: y = T.nnet.conv2d_grad_wrt_inputs(x, w, x_shape, w_shape, border_mode, subsample=stride, filter_flip=False) elif conv_dim==3: if not dnn_avail or axis_order!='dnn': raise ValueError("Need dnn and dnn axis order") dil = (1, 1, 1) kerns = theano.gpuarray.basic_ops.gpu_contiguous(w) image = theano.gpuarray.basic_ops.gpu_contiguous(x) # We can use Shape_i and bypass the infer_shape here as this is on # the input of node and it will always be present. ## wrong shapes... probably cuda <-> theano axes ordering # desc_op = desc.owner.op # ishape = [theano.compile.ops.shape_i_op(i)(image) for i in range(image.ndim)] # kshape = [theano.compile.ops.shape_i_op(i)(kerns) for i in range(kerns.ndim)] # out_shp = T.nnet.abstract_conv.get_conv_output_shape(ishape, kshape, # desc_op.border_mode, desc_op.subsample, filter_dilation=dil) # out_shp = T.nnet.abstract_conv.assert_conv_shape(out_shp) img_sh = list(image.shape) k = list(kerns.shape) out_shp = img_sh[:1] + k[1:2] + [st*sh for st, sh in zip(stride, img_sh[2:])] out = theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuAllocEmpty(theano.config.floatX, context_name)(*out_shp) desc = theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=stride, conv_mode='cross', dilation=dil)(kerns.shape) # out = theano.gpuarray.baisc_ops.gpu_alloc_empty(*out_sh) # desc = theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=stride, # conv_mode='cross', dilation=(1, 1, 1))(out.shape, kerns.shape) y = theano.gpuarray.dnn.GpuDnnConvGradI()(kerns, image, out, desc) return y
### TODO clearer error messages about which arguments can be used # for dnn and theano respectively. Transform asserts into exceptions
[docs]def conv(x, w, axis_order=None, conv_dim=None, x_shape=None, w_shape=None, border_mode='valid', stride=None): """ Apply appropriate convolution depending on input and filter dimensionality. If input ``w_shape`` is known, conv might be replaced by tensordot There are static assumptions which axes are spatial. Parameters ---------- x: T.Tensor | Input data (mini-batch). | Tensor of shape ``(b, f, x)``, ``(b, f, x, y)``, ``(b, z, f, x, y)`` or ``(b,f,x,y,z)``. w: T.Tensor | Set of convolution filter weights. | Tensor of shape ``(f_out, f_in, x)``, ``(f_out, f_in, x, y)``, ``(f_out, z, f_in, x, y)`` or ``(f_out, f_in, x, y, z)``. axis_order: str | (only relevant for 3d) | ``'dnn'`` ``(b,f,x,y(,z))`` or ``'theano'`` ``(b, z, f, x, y)``. conv_dim: int Dimensionality of the applied convolution (not the absolute dim of the inputs). x_shape: tuple shape tuple (``TaggedShape`` supported). w_shape: tuple shape tuple, see ``w``. border_mode: str * ``'valid'``: only apply filter to complete patches of the image. Generates output of shape: image_shape -filter_shape + 1. * ``'full'`` zero-pads image to multiple of filter shape to generate output of shape: image_shape + filter_shape - 1. stride: tuple | (tuple of len 2) | Factor by which to subsample the output. Returns ------- T.Tensor Set of feature maps generated by convolution. """ # TODO: Remove cases that are now redundant with the new abstract conv BACKEND_EXPERIMENT = True if (x_shape is None) or (None in x_shape): # variable batch size or so x_shape = None assert axis_order in ['dnn', 'theano', None] if conv_dim is not None: if x.ndim!=conv_dim+2 or w.ndim!=conv_dim+2: raise ValueError("Cannot perform %id conv on input and filter of" "dim %i, %i" % (conv_dim, x.ndim, w.ndim)) else: # infer conv_dim conv_dim = x.ndim-2 if w.ndim!=conv_dim+2: raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch for conv: tried to do %id conv" "on %id input x. This requires %id filter, but got" "%id" % (conv_dim, x.ndim, x.ndim, w.ndim)) if conv_dim>3: raise ValueError("Input tensor dim to big. No conv for dim>5.") if border_mode=='same': assert w_shape is not None if not np.all(np.remainder(w_shape[-conv_dim:], 2) == 1): raise ValueError('For "same"-mode convolution, filter shapes ' 'must be odd in all dimensions.') border_mode='half' crop_full = False else: crop_full = False use_tensordot = False if (w_shape is not None) and (stride is None): # cannot use tensordot with strides if conv_dim<3 or axis_order=='dnn': use_tensordot = np.all(np.equal(w_shape[2:], 1)) else: # theano order for 3d conv use_tensordot = w_shape[1] == 1 and np.all(np.equal(w_shape[3:], 1)) y = None if conv_dim==1: x = x.dimshuffle(0, 1, 2, 'x') w = w.dimshuffle(0, 1, 2, 'x') if w_shape is not None: w_shape = list(w_shape) + [1, ] if x_shape is not None: x_shape = list(x_shape) + [1,] if stride is None: stride = (1, 1) y = T.nnet.conv2d( x, w, x_shape, w_shape, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=stride ) y = y[:, :, :, 0] elif conv_dim==2: if stride is None: stride = (1, 1) if use_tensordot: logger.debug("Using dot for 2d conv") w = w[:, :, 0, 0].T # (f_in, f_out) (5, 7) y = dot(x, w, axis=1) else: y = T.nnet.conv2d( x, w, x_shape, w_shape, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=stride ) elif conv_dim==3: if BACKEND_EXPERIMENT: # Experimental: See if the new backend automatically takes care of the considerations in the else block y = T.nnet.conv3d( x, w, x_shape, w_shape, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=stride ) else: assert axis_order in ['dnn', 'theano'] use_dnn = dnn_avail if not config.use_manual_cudnn_conv: use_dnn = False if w_shape[2] == 1 and config.use_manual_cudnn_conv_not_w1: use_dnn = False logger.debug("Ignoring manual 3d cuDNN conv because kernel is " "1 for first axis") # then theano automatically uses dnn 2d conv which # has faster gradient than dnn 3d conv if use_tensordot: logger.debug("Using dot for 3d conv") if axis_order=='theano': w = w[:, 0, :, 0, 0].T # (f_in, f_out) y = dot(x, w, axis=2) elif axis_order=='dnn': w = w[:, :, 0, 0, 0].T # (f_in, f_out) y = dot(x, w, axis=1) elif use_dnn: if stride is None: stride = (1, 1, 1) if axis_order=='dnn': logger.debug("Using cuDNN 3dconv") y = T.nnet.conv3d( x, w, x_shape, w_shape, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=stride ) # (b, f, x, y, z) else: if config.show_axis_order_warning: logger.warning("cuDNN available but axis order is " "for theano (z before f). This leads to possibly " "inefficient dimshuffles. use cuDNN axis order.\n" "Using dnn 3dconv") x = x.dimshuffle(0,2,1,3,4) w = w.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1, 3, 4) y = T.nnet.conv3d( x, w, x_shape, w_shape, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=stride ) # (b, f, x, y, z) y = y.dimshuffle(0,2,1,3,4) else: # fallback to theano if True or axis_order=='theano': logger.debug("Using theano 3dconv") y = T.nnet.conv3d( x, w, x_shape, w_shape, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=stride ) # (b, z, f, x, y) else: if config.use_manual_cudnn_conv and not dnn_avail: if config.show_axis_order_warning: logger.warning("cuDNN not available but axis order is" "for cuDNN (z after features). This leads to possibly " "inefficient dimshuffles Use theano axis order or " "install cuDNN.\nUsing theano 3dconv") x = x.dimshuffle(0,2,1,3,4) w = w.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1, 3, 4) # Also swap shapes! w_shape = list(w_shape) z,f = w_shape[1], w_shape[2] w_shape[2] = z w_shape[1] = f if x_shape is not None: x_shape = list(x_shape) z,f = x_shape[1], x_shape[2] x_shape[2] = z x_shape[1] = f y = T.nnet.conv3d( x, w, x_shape, w_shape, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=stride ) # (b, z, f, x, y) y = y.dimshuffle(0,2,1,3,4) if crop_full: cropper = [] off = np.divide(w_shape[-conv_dim:], 2).astype( k = 0 if axis_order=='theano' and conv_dim==3: for i in range(y.ndim): if i in [1,3,4]: cropper.append(slice(off[k], -off[k])) k += 1 else: cropper.append(slice(None)) else: for i in range(y.ndim): if i >= y.ndim - conv_dim: cropper.append(slice(off[k], -off[k])) k += 1 else: cropper.append(slice(None)) cropper = tuple(cropper) y = y[cropper] return y
[docs]def maxout(x, factor=2, axis=None): """ Maxpooling along the feature axis. The feature count is reduces by ``factor``. Parameters ---------- x: T.Tensor Input tensor (b, f, x, y), (b, z, f, x, y). factor: int Pooling factor. axis: int or None Feature axis of ``x`` (1 or 2). If None, 5d tensors get axis 2 and all others axis 1. Returns ------- T.Tensor ``x`` with pooling applied. """ if axis is None: axis = 2 if x.ndim==5 else 2 if axis not in [1,2]: raise ValueError("Maxout only permitted on axis 1 or 2") y = None if axis==1: y = x[:,0::factor] for i in range(1, factor): t = x[:,i::factor] y = T.maximum(y, t) elif axis==2: y = x[:,:,0::factor] for i in range(1, factor): t = x[:,:,i::factor] y = T.maximum(y, t) return y
# def pooling_3d2d(x, pool, spatial_axes, func=T.max,): # """ # Pooling along spatial axes of 3d and 2d tensors. # There are static assumptions which axes are spatial. # The axes of ``x`` must be divisible by the corresponding pooling factor, # otherwise the computation might crash later. # :param x: tensor (b, f, x, y), (b, z, f, x, y) # :param pool:2/3-tuple of pooling factors. They refer to the spatial # axes of ``x`` (x,y)/(z,x,y) # :param func: function with signature ``f(x, axis=)`` e.g. ``T.mean``, ``T.max`` # :return: ``x`` with pooling applied. The spatial axes are decrease by the # corresponding pooling factors # """ # spatial_axes = list(spatial_axes) # _pool = np.ones(x.ndim, # _pool[spatial_axes] = pool # return pooling_nd(x, _pool, func) # # # def pooling_nd(x, pool, func=T.max): # """ # Pooling along spatial axes of nd tensors. # The axes of ``x`` must be divisible by the corresponding pooling factor, # otherwise the computation might crash later. # :param x: nd tensor # :param pool: tuple of length n # :param func: function with signature ``f(x, axis=)`` e.g. ``T.mean``, ``T.max`` # :return: ``x`` with pooling applied. The axis lengths are decrease by the # corresponding pooling factors # """ # accum =[] # for i,ix in enumerate(product(*map(lambda x: list(np.arange(x)), pool))): # sl = tuple([slice(x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in zip(ix, x.shape, pool)]) # accum.append(x[sl]) # # accum = T.stacklists(accum) # y = func(accum, axis=0) # return y
[docs]def pooling(x, pool, spatial_axes, mode='max', stride=None): """ Pooling along spatial axes of 3d and 2d tensors. There are static assumptions which axes are spatial. The spatial axes must be divisible by the corresponding pooling factor, otherwise the computation might crash later. Parameters ---------- x: T.Tensor Input tensor (b, f, x, y), (b, z, f, x, y). pool: tuple 2/3-tuple of pooling factors. They refer to the spatial axes of ``x`` (x,y)/(z,x,y). spatial_axes: tuple mode: str Can be any of the modes supported by Theano's dnn_pool(): ('max', 'average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad', 'sum'). 'max' (default): max-pooling 'average' or 'average_inc_pad': average-pooling 'sum': sum-pooling stride: tuple Returns ------- T.Tensor ``x`` with maxpooling applied. The spatial axes are decreased by the corresponding pooling factors """ # TODO: Some params are undocumented. if np.all(np.equal(pool, 1)): # Short circuit no pool return x pool = tuple(pool) if stride is None: stride = pool else: stride = tuple(stride) spatial_axes = list(spatial_axes) if not dnn_avail and config.use_manual_cudnn_pool and mode!='max': logger.warning("Pooling modes can only be selected if cuDNN is available, mode is ignored") if spatial_axes==[2,3,4]: axis_order = 'dnn' elif spatial_axes==[1,3,4]: axis_order = 'theano' else: axis_order = None if mode == 'average': mode = 'average_inc_pad' # Theano's internal name. 'average' is deprecated. ndim = len(pool) if ndim==3: if not axis_order: raise ValueError("Axis order not recognised, must be [2,3,4] (dnn) or [1,3,4] (theano).") if dnn_avail and config.use_manual_cudnn_pool: pad = (0,0,0) if axis_order=='dnn': logger.debug("Using dnn 3dpool") y = T.signal.pool.pool_3d( x, pool, stride=stride, pad=pad, mode=mode ) # (b, f, x, y, z) else: logger.warning("cuDNN is available but the used axis order is " "for theano (z before features). This requires possibly " "inefficient dimshuffles, consider using cuDNN axis order. " "Using dnn 3pool") x = x.dimshuffle(0,2,1,3,4) y = T.signal.pool.pool_3d( x, pool, stride=stride, pad=pad, mode=mode ) # (b, f, x, y, z) y = y.dimshuffle(0,2,1,3,4) else: # fallback to theano if pool != stride: raise NotImplementedError("Stride!=Pool using theano 3d pooling (dnn pooling will work)") # TODO: The following code manually uses pool_2d for 3d pooling. Try to use pool_3d directly or maybe we can eliminate this whole fallback with the new backend? if axis_order=='theano': logger.debug("Using theano 3dpool") y = T.signal.pool.pool_2d( x, pool[1:], stride=stride[1:], ignore_border=True, mode=mode ) # (b, z, f, x, y) m = y[:,0::pool[0]] for z in range(1,pool[0]): ### TODO obey stride t = y[:, z::pool[0]] m = T.maximum(t, m) # (b, z, f, x, y) y = m else: logger.debug("Using theano 3dpool") y = T.signal.pool.pool_2d( x, pool[1:], stride=stride[1:], ignore_border=True, mode=mode ) # (b, z, f, x, y) m = y[:, :, 0::pool[0]] for z in range(1,pool[0]): ### TODO obey stride t = y[:, :, z::pool[0]] m = T.maximum(t, m) y = m elif ndim==2: if spatial_axes!=[2,3]: raise NotImplemented("Can only pool on last axes [2,3], this input hat spatial axes %s" %(spatial_axes,)) if dnn_avail and config.use_manual_cudnn_pool: y = T.signal.pool.pool_2d( x, pool, stride=stride, ignore_border=True, mode=mode ) else: # TODO: This currently does the same as above. Can we just remove the if-else or should the call be different? y = T.signal.pool.pool_2d( x, pool, stride=stride, ignore_border=True, mode=mode ) elif ndim==1: x = x.dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x') pool = [pool[0], 1] stride = [stride[0], 1] y = T.signal.pool.pool_2d( x, pool, stride=stride, ignore_border=True, mode=mode )[:,:,:,0] else: raise NotImplementedError("Only 1/2/3-dim maxpooling with this function.") return y
[docs]def fragmentpool(conv_out, pool, offsets, strides, spatial_axes, mode='max'): if np.all(np.equal(pool, 1)): # Short circuit no pool return conv_out, offsets, strides spatial_axes = list(spatial_axes) result = [] offsets_new = [] offsets = np.array(offsets, strides = np.array(strides, sh = conv_out.shape _pool = np.ones(conv_out.ndim, _pool[spatial_axes] = pool ###TODO maybe unify this loop and the pooling loop for speedup... timing! for i,ix in enumerate(product(*map(lambda x: list(np.arange(x)), _pool))): sl = tuple([slice(x[0], x[0] + x[1] - x[2] + 1) for x in zip(ix, sh, _pool)]) result.append(pooling(conv_out[sl], pool, spatial_axes, mode=mode)) for p in offsets: new = p.copy() ix_spatial = [ix[ax] for ax in spatial_axes] new += np.multiply(ix_spatial, strides) offsets_new.append(new) result = T.concatenate(result, axis=0) offsets_new = np.array(offsets_new) strides_new = np.multiply(pool, strides) return result, offsets_new, strides_new
[docs]def fragments2dense(fragments, offsets, strides, spatial_axes): spatial_axes = list(spatial_axes) example_stride = # This strides is conceptually unneeded but theano-grad fails otherwise sh = fragments.shape #spatial_axes = [1,3,4] if len(strides)==3 else [2,3] out_sh = list(sh) out_sh[0] = 1 for i,ax in enumerate(spatial_axes): out_sh[ax] *= strides[i] # assert # cannot work on symbolical.... zero = np.array((0,), dtype=theano.config.floatX) embedding = T.alloc(zero, *out_sh) for i,off in enumerate(offsets): sl = [slice(None),]*len(out_sh) # defaults to ":" slice for k,ax in enumerate(spatial_axes): sl[ax] = slice(off[k], None, strides[k]) embedding = T.set_subtensor(embedding[tuple(sl)], fragments[i::example_stride]) return embedding
[docs]def upsampling_nd(x, pool): new_sh = [xi*pi for xi, pi in zip(x.shape, pool)] zero = T.cast(0, x.dtype) out = T.alloc(zero, *new_sh) # T.zeros is slower for i,ix in enumerate(product(*map(lambda s: list(np.arange(s)), pool))): sl = tuple([slice(s[0], s[1], s[2]) for s in zip(ix, out.shape, pool)]) out = T.set_subtensor(out[sl], x) return out
[docs]def upsampling(x, pool, spatial_axes): """ Upsamling through repetition: s_new = s*p. e.g for pool=3: aaabbbccc... Parameters ---------- x: T.Tensor Input tensor. pool: int Upsampling factor. spatial_axes: list List of axes on which to perform upsampling. Returns ------- T.Tensor ``x`` with upsampling applied. """ """ Upsamling through repetition: s_new = s*p e.g for p=3: aaabbbccc... :param x: :param pool: :param spatial_axes: :return: """ spatial_axes = list(spatial_axes) _pool = np.ones(x.ndim, _pool[spatial_axes] = pool return upsampling_nd(x, _pool)
[docs]def unpooling_nd(x, pool): new_sh = [xi*pi + (pi-1) for xi, pi in zip(x.shape, pool)] zero = T.cast(0, x.dtype) out = T.alloc(zero, *new_sh) # T.zeros is slower sl = tuple([slice(pi-1, xi*pi, pi) for xi, pi in zip(x.shape, pool)]) out = T.set_subtensor(out[sl], x) return out
[docs]def unpooling(x, pool, spatial_axes): """ Symmetric unpooling with border: s_new = s*pool + pool-1. Insert values strided, e.g for pool=3: 00x00x00x...00x00. Parameters ---------- x: T.Tensor Input tensor. pool: int Unpooling factor. spatial_axes: list List of axes on which to perform unpooling. Returns ------- T.Tensor ``x`` with unpooling applied. """ spatial_axes = list(spatial_axes) _pool = np.ones(x.ndim, _pool[spatial_axes] = pool return unpooling_nd(x, _pool)