elektronn2.neuromancer package


elektronn2.neuromancer.computations module

elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.apply_activation(x, activation_func, b1=None)[source]

Return an activation function callable matching the name Allowed names: ‘relu’, ‘tanh’,’prelu’, ‘sigmoid’, ‘maxout <i>’, ‘lin’,’abs’,’soft+’, ‘elu’, ‘selu’.

  • x (T.Tensor) – Input tensor.
  • activation_func (str) – Name of the activation function.
  • b1 – Optional b1 parameter for the activation function. If this is None, no parameter is passed.

Activation function applied to x.

Return type:


elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.apply_except_axis(x, axis, func)[source]

Apply a contraction function on all but one axis.

  • x (T.Tensor) – Input tensor.
  • axis (int) – Axis to exclude on application.
  • func (function) – A function with signature func(x, axis=) eg T.mean, T.std …

Contraction of x, but of the same dimensionality.

Return type:


elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.conv(x, w, axis_order=None, conv_dim=None, x_shape=None, w_shape=None, border_mode='valid', stride=None)[source]

Apply appropriate convolution depending on input and filter dimensionality. If input w_shape is known, conv might be replaced by tensordot

There are static assumptions which axes are spatial.

  • x (T.Tensor) –
    Input data (mini-batch).
    Tensor of shape (b, f, x), (b, f, x, y), (b, z, f, x, y) or (b,f,x,y,z).
  • w (T.Tensor) –
    Set of convolution filter weights.
    Tensor of shape (f_out, f_in, x), (f_out, f_in, x, y), (f_out, z, f_in, x, y) or (f_out, f_in, x, y, z).
  • axis_order (str) –
    (only relevant for 3d)
    'dnn' (b,f,x,y(,z)) or 'theano' (b, z, f, x, y).
  • conv_dim (int) – Dimensionality of the applied convolution (not the absolute dim of the inputs).
  • x_shape (tuple) – shape tuple (TaggedShape supported).
  • w_shape (tuple) – shape tuple, see w.
  • border_mode (str) –
    • 'valid': only apply filter to complete patches of the image. Generates output of shape: image_shape -filter_shape + 1.
    • 'full' zero-pads image to multiple of filter shape to generate output of shape: image_shape + filter_shape - 1.
  • stride (tuple) –
    (tuple of len 2)
    Factor by which to subsample the output.

Set of feature maps generated by convolution.

Return type:


elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.dot(x, W, axis=1)[source]

Calculate a tensordot between 1 axis of x and the first axis of W.

Requires x.shape[axis]==W.shape[0]. Identical to dot if x, W 2d and axis==1.

  • x (T.Tensor) – Input tensor.
  • W (T.Tensor) – Weight tensor, (f_in, f_out).
  • axis (int) – Axis on x to apply dot.

x with dot applied. The shape of x changes on axis to n_out.

Return type:


elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.fragmentpool(conv_out, pool, offsets, strides, spatial_axes, mode='max')[source]
elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.fragments2dense(fragments, offsets, strides, spatial_axes)[source]
elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.maxout(x, factor=2, axis=None)[source]

Maxpooling along the feature axis.

The feature count is reduces by factor.

  • x (T.Tensor) – Input tensor (b, f, x, y), (b, z, f, x, y).
  • factor (int) – Pooling factor.
  • axis (int or None) – Feature axis of x (1 or 2). If None, 5d tensors get axis 2 and all others axis 1.

x with pooling applied.

Return type:


elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.pooling(x, pool, spatial_axes, mode='max', stride=None)[source]

Pooling along spatial axes of 3d and 2d tensors.

There are static assumptions which axes are spatial. The spatial axes must be divisible by the corresponding pooling factor, otherwise the computation might crash later.

  • x (T.Tensor) – Input tensor (b, f, x, y), (b, z, f, x, y).
  • pool (tuple) – 2/3-tuple of pooling factors. They refer to the spatial axes of x (x,y)/(z,x,y).
  • spatial_axes (tuple) –
  • mode (str) –

    Can be any of the modes supported by Theano’s dnn_pool(): (‘max’, ‘average_inc_pad’, ‘average_exc_pad’, ‘sum’).

    ’max’ (default): max-pooling ‘average’ or ‘average_inc_pad’: average-pooling ‘sum’: sum-pooling

  • stride (tuple) –

x with maxpooling applied. The spatial axes are decreased by the corresponding pooling factors

Return type:


elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.softmax(x, axis=1, force_builtin=False)[source]

Calculate softmax (pseudo probabilities).

  • x (T.Tensor) – Input tensor.
  • axis (int) – Axis on which to apply softmax.
  • force_builtin (bool) – force usage of theano.tensor.nnet.softmax (more stable).

x with softmax applied, same shape.

Return type:


elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.unpooling(x, pool, spatial_axes)[source]

Symmetric unpooling with border: s_new = s*pool + pool-1.

Insert values strided, e.g for pool=3: 00x00x00x…00x00.

  • x (T.Tensor) – Input tensor.
  • pool (int) – Unpooling factor.
  • spatial_axes (list) – List of axes on which to perform unpooling.

x with unpooling applied.

Return type:


elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.unpooling_nd(x, pool)[source]
elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.upconv(x, w, stride, x_shape=None, w_shape=None, axis_order='dnn')[source]
elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.upsampling(x, pool, spatial_axes)[source]

Upsamling through repetition: s_new = s*p.

e.g for pool=3: aaabbbccc…

  • x (T.Tensor) – Input tensor.
  • pool (int) – Upsampling factor.
  • spatial_axes (list) – List of axes on which to perform upsampling.

x with upsampling applied.

Return type:


elektronn2.neuromancer.computations.upsampling_nd(x, pool)[source]

elektronn2.neuromancer.graphmanager module

class elektronn2.neuromancer.graphmanager.GraphManager(name='')[source]

Bases: object

static get_lock_names(node_descriptors, count)[source]
register_node(node, name, args, kwargs)[source]
register_split(node, func, name, args, kwargs)[source]
restore(descriptors, override_mfp_to_active=False, make_weights_constant=False, replace_bn=False, lock_trainable_params=False, unlock_all_params=False)[source]

elektronn2.neuromancer.graphutils module

class elektronn2.neuromancer.graphutils.TaggedShape(shape, tags, strides=None, mfp_offsets=None, fov=None)[source]

Bases: object

Object to manage shape and associated tags uniformly. The []-operator can be used get shape values by either index (int) or tag (str)

  • shape (list/tuple of int) – shape of array, unspecified shapes are None
  • tags (list/tuple of strings or comma-separated string) – tags indicate which purpose the dimensions of the tensor serve. They are sometimes used to decide about reshapes. The maximal tensor has tags: “r, b, s, f, z, y, x, s” which denote: * r: perform recurrence along this axis * b: batch size * s: samples of the same instance (over which expectations are calculated) * f: features, filters, channels * z: convolution no. 3 (slower than 1,2) * y: convolution no. 1 * x: convolution no. 2
  • strides – list of strides, only for spatial dimensions, so it is 1-3 long
  • mfp_offsets
addaxis(axis, size, tag)[source]

Create new TaggedShape with new axis inserted at axis of size size tagged tag. If axis is a tag, the new axis is right of that tag


Create new TaggedShape with new axis inserted at axis of size size tagged tag. If axis is a tag, the new axis is right of that tag


Calculate product excluding batch dimension


Return the shape but with all None elements removed (e.g. if batch size is unspecified)


Return the product of the shape but with all None elements removed (e.g. if batch size is unspecified)


Finds the index of the desired tag

updatefov(axis, new_fov)[source]

Create new TaggedShape with new_fov on axis. Axis is given as index of the spatial axes (not matching the absolute index of sh).

updateshape(axis, new_size, mode=None)[source]

Create new TaggedShape with new_size on axis . Modes for updating: None (override), 'add', 'mult'

class elektronn2.neuromancer.graphutils.make_func(tt_input, tt_output, updates=None, name='Unnamed Function', borrow_inp=False, borrow_out=False, profile_execution=False)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper for compiled theano functions. Features:

  • The function is compiled on demand (i.e. no wait at initialisation)
  • Singleton return values are returned directly, multiple values as list
  • The last execution time can inspected in the attribute last_exec_time
  • Functions can be timed: profile_execution is an int that specifies the number of runs to average. The average time is printed then.
  • In/Out values can have a borrow flag which might overwrite the numpy arrays but might speed up execution (see theano doc)

For list of several output layers return a list of required input tensors (without duplicates) to compute these outputs.

elektronn2.neuromancer.loss module

class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.GaussianNLL(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Similar to squared loss but “modulated” in scale by the variance.

  • target (Node) – True value (target), usually directly an input node
  • mu (Node) – Mean of the predictive Gaussian density
  • sig (Node) – Sigma of the predictive Gaussian density
  • sig_is_log (bool) – Whether sig is actually the ln(sig), then it is exponentiated internally

Computes element-wise:

0.5 \cdot  ( ln(2  \pi \sigma)) + (target-\mu)^2/\sigma^2 )

class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.BinaryNLL(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Binary NLL node. Identical to cross entropy.

  • pred (Node) – Predictive Bernoulli probability.
  • target (Node) – True value (target), usually directly an input node.

Computes element-wise:

-(target  ln(pred) + (1 - target) ln(1 - pred))

class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.AggregateLoss(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

This node is used to average the individual losses over a batch (and possibly, spatial/temporal dimensions). Several losses can be mixed for multi-target training.

  • parent_nodes (list/tuple of graph or single node) – each component is some (possibly element-wise) loss array
  • mixing_weights (list/None) – Weights for the individual costs. If none, then all are weighted equally. If mixing weights are used, they can be changed during training by manipulating the attribute params['mixing_weights'].
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
  • The following is all wrong, mixing_weights are directly used (#) –
  • losses are first summed per component, and then the component sums (The) –
  • summed using the relative weights. The resulting scalar is finally (are) –
  • such that (normalised) –
    • The cost does not grow with the number of mixed components
    • Components which consist of more individual losses have more weight e.g. If there is a constraint on some hidden representation with 20 features and a constraint the reconstruction of 100 features, the reconstruction constraint has 5x more impact on the overall loss than the constraint on the hidden state (provided those two loss are initially on the same scale). If they are intended to have equal impact, the weights should be used to upscale the constraint against the reconstruction.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.SquaredLoss(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Squared loss node.

  • pred (Node) – Prediction node.
  • target (T.Tensor) – corresponds to a vector that gives the correct label for each example. Labels < 0 are ignored (e.g. can be used for label propagation).
  • margin (float or None) –
  • scale_correction (float or None) – Downweights absolute deviations for large target scale. The value specifies the target value at which the square deviation has half weight compared to target=0 If the target is twice as large as this value the downweight is 1/3 and so on. Note: the smaller this value the stronger the effect. No effect would be +inf
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.AbsLoss(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.SquaredLoss

AbsLoss node.

  • pred (Node) – Prediction node.
  • target (T.Tensor) – corresponds to a vector that gives the correct label for each example. Labels < 0 are ignored (e.g. can be used for label propagation).
  • margin (float or None) –
  • scale_correction (float or None) – Boosts loss for large target values: if target=1 the error is multiplied by this value (and linearly for other targets)
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.Softmax(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Softmax node.

  • parent (Node) – Input node.
  • n_class
  • n_indep
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.MultinoulliNLL(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Returns the symbolic mean and instance-wise negative log-likelihood of the prediction of this model under a given target distribution.

  • pred (Node) – Prediction node.
  • target (T.Tensor) – corresponds to a vector that gives the correct label for each example. Labels < 0 are ignored (e.g. can be used for label propagation).
  • target_is_sparse (bool) – If the target is sparse.
  • class_weights (T.Tensor) – weight vector of float32 of length n_lab. Values: 1.0 (default), w < 1.0 (less important), w > 1.0 (more important class).
  • example_weights (T.Tensor) – weight vector of float32 of shape (bs, z, x, y) that can give the individual examples (i.e. labels for output pixels) different weights. Values: 1.0 (default), w < 1.0 (less important), w > 1.0 (more important example). Note: if this is not normalised/bounded it may result in a effectively modified learning rate!
  • following refers to lazy labels, the masks are always on a per patch basis, depending on the (The) –
  • cube of the patch. The masks are properties of the individual image cubes and must be loaded (origin) –
  • CNNData. (into) –
  • mask_class_labeled (T.Tensor) – shape = (batchsize, num_classes). Binary masks indicating whether a class is properly labeled in y. If a class k is (in general) present in the image patches and mask_class_labeled[k]==1, then the labels must obey y==k for all pixels where the class is present. If a class k is present in the image, but was not labeled (-> cheaper labels), set mask_class_labeled[k]=0. Then all pixels for which the y==k will be ignored. Alternative: set y=-1 to ignore those pixels. Limit case: mask_class_labeled[:]==1 will result in the ordinary NLL.
  • mask_class_not_present (T.Tensor) – shape = (batchsize, num_classes). Binary mask indicating whether a class is present in the image patches. mask_class_not_present[k]==1 means that the image does not contain examples of class k. Then for all pixels in the patch, class k predictive probabilities are trained towards 0. Limit case: mask_class_not_present[:]==0 will result in the ordinary NLL.
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.


  • A cube contains no class k. Instead of labelling the remaining classes they can be marked as unlabelled by the first mask (mask_class_labeled[:]==0, whether mask_class_labeled[k] is 0 or 1 is actually indifferent because the labels should not be y==k anyway in this case). Additionally mask_class_not_present[k]==1 (otherwise 0) to suppress predictions of k in in this patch. The actual value of the labels is indifferent, it can either be -1 or it could be the background class, if the background is marked as unlabelled (i.e. then those labels are ignored).
  • Only part of the cube is densely labelled. Set mask_class_labeled[:]=1 for all classes, but set the label values in the unlabelled part to -1 to ignore this part.
  • Only a particular class k is labelled in the cube. Either set all other label pixels to -1 or the corresponding flags in mask_class_labeled for the unlabelled classes.


Using -1 labels or telling that a class is not labelled, is somewhat redundant and just supported for convenience.

class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.MalisNLL(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Malis NLL node. (See https://github.com/TuragaLab/malis)

  • pred (Node) – Prediction node.
  • aff_gt (T.Tensor) –
  • seg_gt (T.Tensor) –
  • nhood (np.ndarray) –
  • unrestrict_neg (bool) –
  • class_weights (T.Tensor) – weight vector of float32 of length n_lab. Values: 1.0 (default), w < 1.0 (less important), w > 1.0 (more important class).
  • example_weights (T.Tensor) – weight vector of float32 of shape (bs, z, x, y) that can give the individual examples (i.e. labels for output pixels) different weights. Values: 1.0 (default), w < 1.0 (less important), w > 1.0 (more important example). Note: if this is not normalised/bounded it may result in a effectively modified learning rate!
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.Errors(pred, target, target_is_sparse=False, n_class='auto', n_indep='auto', name='errors', print_repr=True)[source]
class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.BetaNLL(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Similar to BinaryNLL loss but “modulated” in scale by the variance.

  • target (Node) – True value (target), usually directly an input node, must be in range [0,1]
  • mode (Node) – Mode of the predictive Beta density, must come from linear activation function (will be transformed by exp(.) + 2 )
  • concentration (node) – concentration of the predictive Beta density

Computes element-wise:

0.5 \cdot  2

elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.SobelizedLoss(pred, target, loss_type='abs', loss_kwargs=None)[source]

SobelizedLoss node.

  • pred (Node) – Prediction node.
  • target (T.Tensor) – corresponds to a vector that gives the correct label for each example. Labels < 0 are ignored (e.g. can be used for label propagation).
  • loss_type (str) – Only “abs” is supported.
  • loss_kwargs (dict) – kwargs for the AbsLoss constructor.

The loss node.

Return type:


class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.BlockedMultinoulliNLL(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Returns the symbolic mean and instance-wise negative log-likelihood of the prediction of this model under a given target distribution.

  • pred (Node) – Prediction node.
  • target (T.Tensor) – corresponds to a vector that gives the correct label for each example. Labels < 0 are ignored (e.g. can be used for label propagation).
  • blocking_factor (float) – Blocking factor.
  • target_is_sparse (bool) – If the target is sparse.
  • class_weights (T.Tensor) – weight vector of float32 of length n_lab. Values: 1.0 (default), w < 1.0 (less important), w > 1.0 (more important class).
  • example_weights (T.Tensor) – weight vector of float32 of shape (bs, z, x, y) that can give the individual examples (i.e. labels for output pixels) different weights. Values: 1.0 (default), w < 1.0 (less important), w > 1.0 (more important example). Note: if this is not normalised/bounded it may result in a effectively modified learning rate!
  • following refers to lazy labels, the masks are always on a per patch basis, depending on the (The) –
  • cube of the patch. The masks are properties of the individual image cubes and must be loaded (origin) –
  • CNNData. (into) –
  • mask_class_labeled (T.Tensor) – shape = (batchsize, num_classes). Binary masks indicating whether a class is properly labeled in y. If a class k is (in general) present in the image patches and mask_class_labeled[k]==1, then the labels must obey y==k for all pixels where the class is present. If a class k is present in the image, but was not labeled (-> cheaper labels), set mask_class_labeled[k]=0. Then all pixels for which the y==k will be ignored. Alternative: set y=-1 to ignore those pixels. Limit case: mask_class_labeled[:]==1 will result in the ordinary NLL.
  • mask_class_not_present (T.Tensor) – shape = (batchsize, num_classes). Binary mask indicating whether a class is present in the image patches. mask_class_not_present[k]==1 means that the image does not contain examples of class k. Then for all pixels in the patch, class k predictive probabilities are trained towards 0. Limit case: mask_class_not_present[:]==0 will result in the ordinary NLL.
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.


  • A cube contains no class k. Instead of labelling the remaining classes they can be marked as unlabelled by the first mask (mask_class_labeled[:]==0, whether mask_class_labeled[k] is 0 or 1 is actually indifferent because the labels should not be y==k anyway in this case). Additionally mask_class_not_present[k]==1 (otherwise 0) to suppress predictions of k in in this patch. The actual value of the labels is indifferent, it can either be -1 or it could be the background class, if the background is marked as unlabelled (i.e. then those labels are ignored).
  • Only part of the cube is densely labelled. Set mask_class_labeled[:]=1 for all classes, but set the label values in the unlabelled part to -1 to ignore this part.
  • Only a particular class k is labelled in the cube. Either set all other label pixels to -1 or the corresponding flags in mask_class_labeled for the unlabelled classes.


Using -1 labels or telling that a class is not labelled, is somewhat redundant and just supported for convenience.

class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.OneHot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Onehot node.

  • target (T.Tensor) – Target tensor.
  • n_class (int) –
  • axis
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.EuclideanDistance(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Euclidean distance node.

  • pred (Node) – Prediction node.
  • target (T.Tensor) – corresponds to a vector that gives the correct label for each example. Labels < 0 are ignored (e.g. can be used for label propagation).
  • margin (float/None) –
  • scale_correction (float/None) – Downweights absolute deviations for large target scale. The value specifies the target value at which the square deviation has half weight compared to target=0 If the target is twice as large as this value the downweight is 1/3 and so on. Note: the smaller this value the stronger the effect. No effect would be +inf
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.loss.RampLoss(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

RampLoss node.

  • pred (Node) – Prediction node.
  • target (T.Tensor) – corresponds to a vector that gives the correct label for each example. Labels < 0 are ignored (e.g. can be used for label propagation).
  • margin (float/None) –
  • scale_correction (float/None) – downweights absolute deviations for large target scale. The value specifies the target value at which the square deviation has half weight compared to target=0 If the target is twice as large as this value the downweight is 1/3 and so on. Note: the smaller this value the stronger the effect. No effect would be +inf
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.

elektronn2.neuromancer.model module

class elektronn2.neuromancer.model.Model(name='')[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.graphmanager.GraphManager

Represents a neural network model and its current training state.

The Model is defined and checked by running Model.designate_nodes() with appropriate Nodes as arguments (see example in examples/numa_mnist.py).

Permanently saving a Model with its respective training state is possible with the Model.save() function. Loading a Model from a file is done by elektronn2.neuromancer.model.modelload().

During training of a neural network, you can access the current Model via the interactive training shell as the variable “model” (see elektronn2.training.trainutils.user_input()). There are several statistics and hyperparameters of the Model that you can inspect and set directly in the shell, e.g. entering >>> model.lr = 1e-3 and exiting the prompt again effectively sets the learning rate to 1e-3 for further training. (This can also be done with the shortcut “setlr 1e-3”.)

activations(*args, **kwargs)[source]
actstats(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Check if batch normalisation is active in any Node in the Model.


If debug_outputs is set, a list of all debug output names is returned.

designate_nodes(input_node='input', target_node=None, loss_node=None, prediction_node=None, prediction_ext=None, error_node=None, debug_outputs=None)[source]

Register input, target and other special Nodes in the Model.

Most of the Model’s attributes are derived from the Nodes that are given as arguments here.


Get dropout rates.

get_param_values(skip_const=False, as_list=False)[source]

Only use this to save/load parameters!

Returns a dict of mapping the values of the params (such that they can be saved to disk) :param skip_const: whether to exclude constant parameters

gradients(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Get gradnet rates.

Description: https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06827

gradstats(*args, **kwargs)[source]
loss(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Get shape(s) of loss nodes’ input node(s).

The return value is either a shape (if one input) or a list of shapes (if multiple inputs).


Get average loss during the last training steps.

The average is calculated over the last n steps, where n is defined by the config variable time_per_step_smoothing_length (default: 50).


Get learning rate.

measure_exectimes(n_samples=5, n_warmup=4, print_info=True)[source]

Return an OrderedDict that maps node names to their estimated execution times in milliseconds.

Parameters are the same as in elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node.measure_exectime()


Get mixing weights.


Get momentum.

predict(*args, **kwargs)[source]
predict_dense(raw_img, as_uint8=False, pad_raw=False)[source]
predict_ext(*args, **kwargs)[source]

If a prediction node is set, return its feature names.


Save a Model (including its training state) to a pickle file. :param file_name: File name to save the Model in.

set_opt_meta_params(opt_name, value_dict)[source]
set_param_values(value_dict, skip_const=False)[source]

Only use this to save/load parameters!

Sets new values for non constant parameters :param value_dict: dict mapping values by parameter name / or file name thereof :param skip_const: if dict also maps values for constants, these can be skipped, otherwise an exception is raised.


Execute test run on the prediction node.


Get average run time per training step.

The average is calculated over the last n steps, where n is defined by the config variable time_per_step_smoothing_length (default: 50).

trainingstep(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Perform one optimiser iteration. Optimisers can be chosen by the kwarg optimiser.

Signature: trainingstep(data, target(, *aux)(, **kwargs**))

  • *args
    • data: floatX array
      input [bs, ch (, z, y, x)]
    • targets: int16 array
      [bs,((z,)y,x)] (optional)
    • (optional) other inputs: np.ndarray
      depending in model
  • **kwargs
    • optimiser: str
      Name of the chosen optimiser class in elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser
    • update_loss: Bool
      determine current loss after update step (e.g. needed for queue, but get_loss can also be called explicitly)

  • loss (floatX) – Loss (nll, squared error etc…)
  • t (float) – Time spent on the GPU per step


Get weight decay.

elektronn2.neuromancer.model.modelload(file_name, override_mfp_to_active=False, imposed_patch_size=None, imposed_batch_size=None, name=None, **model_load_kwargs)[source]

Load a Model from a pickle file (created by Model.save()).

model_load_kwargs: remove_bn, make_weights_constant (True/False)


Extract the tuple (filter_shapes, pool_shapes, mfp) from a model description.

Parameters:model_descr – Model description OrderedDict.
Returns:Tuple (filter_shapes, pool_shapes, mfp).

Load parameters from a model file.

Parameters:file_name – File name of the pickled Model.
Returns:OrderedDict of model parameters.
elektronn2.neuromancer.model.rebuild_model(model, override_mfp_to_active=False, imposed_patch_size=None, name=None, **model_load_kwargs)[source]

Rebuild a Model by saving it to a file and reloading it from there.

  • model – Model object.
  • override_mfp_to_active – (See elektronn2.neuromancer.model.modelload()).
  • imposed_patch_size – (See elektronn2.neuromancer.model.modelload()).
  • name – New model name.
  • model_load_kwargs – Additional kwargs for restoring Model (see elektronn2.neuromancer.graphmanager.GraphManager.restore()).

Rebuilt Model.

elektronn2.neuromancer.model.simple_cnn(batch_size, n_ch, n_lab, desired_input, filters, nof_filters, activation_func, pools, mfp=False, tags=None, name=None)[source]

Create a simple Model of a convolutional neural network. :param batch_size: Batch size (how many data samples are used in one

update step).
  • n_ch – Number of channels.
  • n_lab – Number of distinct labels (classes).
  • desired_input – Desired input image size. (Must be smaller than the size of the training images).
  • filters – List of filter sizes in each layer.
  • nof_filters – List of number of filters for each layer.
  • activation_func – Activation function.
  • pools – List of maxpooling factors for each layer.
  • mfp – List of bools that tell if max fragment pooling should be used in each layer (only intended for prediction).
  • tags – Tuple of tags for Input node (see docs of elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Input).
  • name – Name of the model.

Network Model.

elektronn2.neuromancer.neural module

class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.Perceptron(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.NeuralLayer

Perceptron Layer.

  • parent (Node or list of Node) – The input node(s).
  • n_f (int) – Number of filters (nodes) in layer.
  • activation_func (str) – Activation function name.
  • flatten (bool) –
  • batch_normalisation (str or None) – Batch normalisation mode. Can be False (inactive), “train” or “fadeout”.
  • dropout_rate (float) – Dropout rate (probability that a node drops out in a training step).
  • name (str) – Perceptron name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
  • w (np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable) – Weight matrix. If this is a np.ndarray, its values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If it is a T.TensorVariable, it is directly used (weight sharing with the layer which this variable comes from).
  • b (np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable) – Bias vector. If this is a np.ndarray, its values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If it is a T.TensorVariable, it is directly used (weight sharing with the layer which this variable comes from).
  • gamma – (For batch normalisation) Initialises gamma parameter.
  • mean – (For batch normalisation) Initialises mean parameter.
  • std – (For batch normalisation) Initialises std parameter.
  • gradnet_mode
make_dual(parent, share_w=False, **kwargs)[source]

Create the inverse of this Perceptron.

Most options are the same as for the layer itself. If kwargs are not specified, the values of the primal layers are re-used and new parameters are created.

  • parent (Node) – The input node.
  • share_w (bool) – If the weights (w) should be shared from the primal layer.
  • kwargs (dict) – kwargs that are passed through to the constructor of the inverted Perceptron (see signature of Perceptron). n_f is copied from the existing node on which make_dual is called. Every other parameter can be changed from the original Perceptron’s defaults by specifying it in kwargs.

The inverted perceptron layer.

Return type:


class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.Conv(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.Perceptron

Convolutional layer with subsequent pooling.


Examples for constructing convolutional neural networks can be found in examples/neuro3d.py and examples/mnist.py.

  • parent (Node) – The input node.
  • n_f (int) – Number of features.
  • filter_shape (tuple) – Shape of the convolution filter kernels.
  • pool_shape (tuple) – Shape of max-pooling to be applied after the convolution. None (default) disables pooling along all axes.
  • conv_mode (str) –

    Possible values: * “valid”: Only apply filter to complete patches of the image.

    Generates output of shape: image_shape -filter_shape + 1.
    • ”full”: Zero-pads image to multiple of filter shape to generate output of shape: image_shape + filter_shape - 1.
    • ”same”: Zero-pads input image so that the output shape is equal to the input shape (Only supported for odd filter sizes).
  • activation_func (str) – Activation function name.
  • mfp (bool) – Whether to apply Max-Fragment-Pooling in this Layer.
  • batch_normalisation (str or False) – Batch normalisation mode. Can be False (inactive), “train” or “fadeout”.
  • dropout_rate (float) – Dropout rate (probability that a node drops out in a training step).
  • name (str) – Layer name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
  • w (np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable) – Weight matrix. If this is a np.ndarray, its values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If it is a T.TensorVariable, it is directly used (weight sharing with the layer which this variable comes from).
  • b (np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable) – Bias vector. If this is a np.ndarray, its values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If it is a T.TensorVariable, it is directly used (weight sharing with the layer which this variable comes from).
  • gamma – (For batch normalisation) Initialises gamma parameter.
  • mean – (For batch normalisation) Initialises mean parameter.
  • std – (For batch normalisation) Initialises std parameter.
  • gradnet_mode
  • invalidate_fov (bool) – Overrides the computed fov with an invalid value to force later recalculation (experimental).
make_dual(parent, share_w=False, mfp=False, **kwargs)[source]

Create the inverse (UpConv) of this Conv node.

Most options are the same as for the layer itself. If kwargs are not specified, the values of the primal layers are re-used and new parameters are created.

  • parent (Node) – The input node.
  • share_w (bool) – If the weights (w) should be shared from the primal layer.
  • mfp (bool) – If max-fragment-pooling is used.
  • kwargs (dict) – kwargs that are passed through to the new UpConv node (see signature of UpConv). n_f and pool_shape are copied from the existing node on which make_dual is called. Every other parameter can be changed from the original Conv’s defaults by specifying it in kwargs.

The inverted conv layer (as an UpConv node).

Return type:


class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.UpConv(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.Conv

Upconvolution layer. Also known as transposed convolution.

See http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/tutorial/conv_arithmetic.html#transposed-convolution-arithmetic

E.g. pooling + upconv with pool_shape = 3:

  x x x x x x x x x    before pooling (not in this layer)
   \|/   \|/   \|/     pooling (not in this layer)
    x     x     x      input to this layer
0 0 x 0 0 x 0 0 x 0 0  unpooling + padding (done in this layer)
   /|\   /|\   /|\     conv on unpooled (done in this layer)
  y y y y y y y y y    result of this layer
  • parent (Node) – The input node.
  • n_f (int) – Number of filters (nodes) in layer.
  • pool_shape (tuple) – Size of the UpConvolution.
  • activation_func (str) – Activation function name.
  • identity_init (bool) – Initialise weights to result in pixel repetition upsampling
  • batch_normalisation (str or False) – Batch normalisation mode. Can be False (inactive), “train” or “fadeout”.
  • dropout_rate (float) – Dropout rate (probability that a node drops out in a training step).
  • name (str) – Layer name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
  • w (np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable) – Weight matrix. If this is a np.ndarray, its values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If it is a T.TensorVariable, it is directly used (weight sharing with the layer which this variable comes from).
  • b (np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable) – Bias vector. If this is a np.ndarray, its values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If it is a T.TensorVariable, it is directly used (weight sharing with the layer which this variable comes from).
  • gamma – (For batch normalisation) Initialises gamma parameter.
  • mean – (For batch normalisation) Initialises mean parameter.
  • std – (For batch normalisation) Initialises std parameter.
  • gradnet_mode
make_dual(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create the inverse (UpConv) of this Conv node.

Most options are the same as for the layer itself. If kwargs are not specified, the values of the primal layers are re-used and new parameters are created.

  • parent (Node) – The input node.
  • share_w (bool) – If the weights (w) should be shared from the primal layer.
  • mfp (bool) – If max-fragment-pooling is used.
  • kwargs (dict) – kwargs that are passed through to the new UpConv node (see signature of UpConv). n_f and pool_shape are copied from the existing node on which make_dual is called. Every other parameter can be changed from the original Conv’s defaults by specifying it in kwargs.

The inverted conv layer (as an UpConv node).

NOTE: docstring was inherited

Return type:


class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.Crop(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

This node type crops the output of its parent.

  • parent (Node) – The input node whose output should be cropped.
  • crop (tuple or list of ints) – Crop each spatial axis from either side by this number.
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.LSTM(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.NeuralLayer

Long short term memory layer.

Using an implementation without peepholes in f, i, o, i.e. weights cell state is not taken into account for weights. See http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/.

  • parent (Node) – The input node.
  • memory_states (Node) – Concatenated (initial) feed-back and cell state (one Node!).
  • n_f (int) – Number of features.
  • activation_func (str) – Activation function name.
  • flatten
  • batch_normalisation (str or None) – Batch normalisation mode. Can be False (inactive), “train” or “fadeout”.
  • dropout_rate (float) – Dropout rate (probability that a node drops out in a training step).
  • name (str) – Layer name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
  • w (np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable) – Weight matrix. If this is a np.ndarray, its values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If it is a T.TensorVariable, it is directly used (weight sharing with the layer which this variable comes from).
  • b (np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable) – Bias vector. If this is a np.ndarray, its values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If it is a T.TensorVariable, it is directly used (weight sharing with the layer which this variable comes from).
  • gamma – (For batch normalisation) Initialises gamma parameter.
  • mean – (For batch normalisation) Initialises mean parameter.
  • std – (For batch normalisation) Initialises std parameter.
  • gradnet_mode
class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.FragmentsToDense(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.Pool(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Pooling layer.

Reduces the count of training parameters by reducing the spatial size of its input by the factors given in pool_shape.

Pooling modes other than max-pooling can only be selected if cuDNN is available.

  • parent (Node) – The input node.
  • pool_shape (tuple) – Tuple of pooling factors (per dimension) by which the input is downsampled.
  • stride (tuple) – Stride sizes (per dimension).
  • mfp (bool) – If max-fragment-pooling should be used.
  • mode (str) –

    (only if cuDNN is available) Mode can be any of the modes supported by Theano’s dnn_pool(): (‘max’, ‘average_inc_pad’, ‘average_exc_pad’, ‘sum’).

    ’max’ (default): max-pooling ‘average’ or ‘average_inc_pad’: average-pooling ‘sum’: sum-pooling

  • name (str) – Name of the pooling layer.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.

alias of Perceptron

class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.FaithlessMerge(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

FaithlessMerge node.

  • hard_features (Node) –
  • easy_features (Node) –
  • axis
  • failing_prob (float) – The higher the more often merge is unreliable
  • hardeasy_ratio (float) – The higher the more often the harder features fail instead of the easy ones
  • name (str) –

    Name of the pooling layer. print_repr: bool

    Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.GRU(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.NeuralLayer

Gated Recurrent Unit Layer.

  • parent (Node) – The input node.
  • memory_state (Node) – Memory node.
  • n_f (int) – Number of features.
  • activation_func (str) – Activation function name.
  • flatten (bool) – (Unsupported).
  • batch_normalisation (str or None) – Batch normalisation mode. Can be False (inactive), “train” or “fadeout”.
  • dropout_rate (float) – Dropout rate (probability that a node drops out in a training step).
  • name (str) – Layer name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
  • w (np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable) – (Unsupported). Weight matrix. If this is a np.ndarray, its values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If it is a T.TensorVariable, it is directly used (weight sharing with the layer which this variable comes from).
  • b (np.ndarray or T.TensorVariable) – (Unsupported). Bias vector. If this is a np.ndarray, its values are used to initialise a shared variable for this layer. If it is a T.TensorVariable, it is directly used (weight sharing with the layer which this variable comes from).
  • gamma – (For batch normalisation) Initialises gamma parameter.
  • mean – (For batch normalisation) Initialises mean parameter.
  • std – (For batch normalisation) Initialises std parameter.
  • gradnet_mode
class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.LRN(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

LRN (Local Response Normalization) layer.

  • parent (Node) – The input node.
  • filter_shape (tuple) –
  • mode (str) – Can be “spatial” or “channel”.
  • alpha (float) –
  • k (float) –
  • beta (float) –
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.AutoMerge(parent1, parent2, upconv_n_f=None, merge_mode='concat', disable_upconv=False, upconv_kwargs=None, name='merge', print_repr=True)[source]

Merges two network branches by automatic cropping and upconvolutions.

(Wrapper for UpConv, Crop, Concat and Add.)

Tries to automatically align and merge a high-res and a low-res (convolution) output of two branches of a CNN by applying UpConv and Crop to make their shapes and strides compatible. UpConv is used if the low-res parent’s strides are at least twice as large as the strides of the high-res parent in any dimension.

The parents are automatically identified as high-res and low-res by their strides. If both parents have the same strides, the concept of high-res and low-res is ignored and this function just crops the larger parent’s output until the parents’ spatial shapes match and then merges them.

This function can be used to simplify creation of e.g. architectures similar to U-Net (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.04597) or skip-connections.

If a ValueError that the shapes cannot be aligned is thrown, you can try changing the filter shapes and pooling factors of the (grand-)parent nodes or add/remove Convolutions and Crops in the preceding branches until the error disappears (of course you should try to keep those changes as minimal as possible).

(This function is an alias for UpConvMerge.)

  • parent1 (Node) – First parent to be merged.
  • parent2 (Node) – Second parent to be merged.
  • upconv_n_f (int) – Number of filters for the aligning UpConv for the low-res parent.
  • merge_mode (str) – How the merging should be performed. Available options: ‘concat’ (default): Merge with a Concat node. ‘add’: Merge with an Add node.
  • disable_upconv (bool) – If True, no automatic upconvolutions are performed to match strides.
  • upconv_kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the UpConv constructor if upconvolution is applied.
  • name (str) – Name of the final merge node.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.

Concat or Add node (depending on merge_mode) that merges the aligned high-res and low-res outputs.

Return type:

Concat or Add

elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.UpConvMerge(parent1, parent2, upconv_n_f=None, merge_mode='concat', disable_upconv=False, upconv_kwargs=None, name='merge', print_repr=True)

Merges two network branches by automatic cropping and upconvolutions.

(Wrapper for UpConv, Crop, Concat and Add.)

Tries to automatically align and merge a high-res and a low-res (convolution) output of two branches of a CNN by applying UpConv and Crop to make their shapes and strides compatible. UpConv is used if the low-res parent’s strides are at least twice as large as the strides of the high-res parent in any dimension.

The parents are automatically identified as high-res and low-res by their strides. If both parents have the same strides, the concept of high-res and low-res is ignored and this function just crops the larger parent’s output until the parents’ spatial shapes match and then merges them.

This function can be used to simplify creation of e.g. architectures similar to U-Net (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.04597) or skip-connections.

If a ValueError that the shapes cannot be aligned is thrown, you can try changing the filter shapes and pooling factors of the (grand-)parent nodes or add/remove Convolutions and Crops in the preceding branches until the error disappears (of course you should try to keep those changes as minimal as possible).

(This function is an alias for UpConvMerge.)

  • parent1 (Node) – First parent to be merged.
  • parent2 (Node) – Second parent to be merged.
  • upconv_n_f (int) – Number of filters for the aligning UpConv for the low-res parent.
  • merge_mode (str) – How the merging should be performed. Available options: ‘concat’ (default): Merge with a Concat node. ‘add’: Merge with an Add node.
  • disable_upconv (bool) – If True, no automatic upconvolutions are performed to match strides.
  • upconv_kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments that are passed to the UpConv constructor if upconvolution is applied.
  • name (str) – Name of the final merge node.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.

Concat or Add node (depending on merge_mode) that merges the aligned high-res and low-res outputs.

Return type:

Concat or Add

class elektronn2.neuromancer.neural.Pad(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Pads the spatial axes of its parent’s output.

  • parent (Node) – The input node whose output should be padded.
  • pad (tuple or list of ints) – The padding length from either side for each spatial axis
  • value (float) – Value of the padding elements (default: 0.0)
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.

elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic module

class elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node(parent, name='', print_repr=False)[source]

Bases: object

Basic node class. All neural network nodes should inherit from Node.

  • parent (Node or list[Node]) – The input node(s).
  • name (str) – Given name of the Node, may be an empty string.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.

Models are built from the interplay of Nodes to form a (directed, acyclic) computational graph.

The ELEKTRONN2 framework can be seen as an intelligent abstraction level that hides the raw theano-graph and manages the involved symbolic variables. The overall goal is the intuitive, flexible and easy creation of complicated graphs.

A Node has one or several inputs, called parent, (unless it is a source, i.e. a node where external data is feed into the graph). The inputs are node objects themselves.

Layers automatically keep track of their previous inputs, parameters, computational cost etc. This allows to compile the theano-functions without manually specifying the inputs, outputs and parameters. In the most simple case, any node, which might be part of a more complicated graph, can be called as a function (passing suitable numpy arrays):

>>> import elektronn2.neuromancer.utils
>>> inp = neuromancer.Input((batch_size, in_dim))
>>> test_data = elektronn2.neuromancer.utils.as_floatX(np.random.rand(batch_size, in_dim))
>>> out = inp(test_data)
>>> np.allclose(out, test_data)

At the first time the theano function is compiled and cached for re-use in future calls.

Several properties (with respect to the sub-graph the node depends on, or only from the of the node itself) These can also be looked up externally (e.g. required sources, parameter count, computational count).

The theano variable that represents the output of a node is kept in the attribute output. Subsequent Nodes must use this attribute of their inputs to perform their calculation and write the result to their own output (this happens in the method _calc_output, which is hidden because it must be called only internally at initialisation).

A divergence in the computational graph is created by passing the parent to several children as input:

>>> inp = neuromancer.Input((1,10), name='Input_1')
>>> node1 = neuromancer.ApplyFunc(inp, func1)
>>> node2 = neuromancer.ApplyFunc(inp, func2)

A convergence in the graph is created by passing several inputs to a node that performs a reduction:

>>> out = neuromancer.Concat([node1, node2])

Although the node “out” has two immediate inputs, it is detected that the required sources is only a single object:

>>> print(out.input_nodes)

Computations that result in more than a single output for a Node must be broken apart using divergence and individual nodes for the several outputs. Alternatively the function split can be used to create two dummy nodes of the output of a previous Node by splitting along the specified axis. Note that possible redundant computations in Nodes are most likely eliminated by the theano graph optimiser.

Instructions for subclassing:

Overriding __init__:
At the very first the base class’ initialiser must be called, which just assigns the names and emtpy default values for attributes. Then node specific initialisations are made e.g. initialisation of shared parameters / weights. Finally the _finialise_init method of the base class is automatically called: This evokes the execution of the methods: _make_output, _calc_shape and self._calc_comp_cost. Each of those updates the corresponding attributes. NOTE: if a Node (except for the base Node) is subclassed and the derived calls __init__ of the base Node, this will also call _finialise_init exactly right the call to the superclass’ __init__.

For the graph serialisation and restoration to work, the following conditions must additionally be met:

  • The name of of a node’s trainable parameter in the parameter dict must be the same as the (optional) keyword used to initialise this parameter in __init__; moreover, parameters must not be initialised/shared from positional arguments.
  • When serialising only the current state of parameters is kept, parameter value arrays given for initialisation are never kept.

Depending on the purpose of the node, the latter methods and others (e.g. __repr__) must be overridden. The default behaviour of the base class is: output = input, outputs shape = input shape, computational cost = tensor size (!) …


List of the parameters updates of all parent nodes. They are tuples.


Dict of the trainable parameters (weights) of all parent nodes. They are theano shared variables.


Dict of the all parameters of all parent nodes. They are theano variable


Count of all trainable parameters in the entire sub-graph used to compute the output of this node


List all nodes that are involved in the computation of the output of this node (incl. self). The list contains no duplicates. The return is a dict, the keys of which are the layers, the values are just all True


Dict of the trainable parameters (weights) of all parent nodes. They are theano shared variables.


Returns a dict that maps the values of the params. (such that they can be saved to disk)

Parameters:skip_const (bool) – whether to exclude constant parameters.
Returns:Dict that maps the values of the params.
Return type:dict

Contains the all parent nodes that are sources, i.e. inputs that are required to compute the result of this node.


The same as input_nodes but contains the theano tensor variables instead of the node objects. May be used as input to compile theano functions.


Last function execution time in seconds.

measure_exectime(n_samples=5, n_warmup=4, print_info=True, local=True, nonegative=True)[source]

Measure how much time the node needs for its calculation (in milliseconds).

  • n_samples (int) – Number of independent measurements of which the median is taken.
  • n_warmup (int) – Number of warm-up runs before each measurement (not taken into account for median calculation).
  • print_info (bool) – If True, print detailed info about measurements while running.
  • local (bool) – Only compute exec time for this node by subtracting its parents’ times.
  • nonegative (bool) – Do not return exec times smaller than zero.

median of execution time measurements.

Return type:



Count of trainable parameters in this node

plot_theano_graph(outfile=None, compiled=True, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the execution graph of this Node’s Theano function to a file.

If “outfile” is not specified, the plot is saved in “/tmp/<user>_<name>.png”

  • outfile (str or None) – File name for saving the plot.
  • compiled (bool) – If True, the function is compiled before plotting.
  • kwargs – kwargs (plotting options) that get directly passed to theano.printing.pydotprint().
predict_dense(raw_img, as_uint8=False, pad_raw=False)[source]

Core function that performs the inference

  • raw_img (np.ndarray) – raw data in the format (ch, (z,) y, x)
  • as_uint8 (Bool) – Return class probabilites as uint8 image (scaled between 0 and 255!)
  • pad_raw (Bool) – Whether to apply padding (by mirroring) to the raw input image in order to get predictions on the full image domain.


Return type:


set_param_values(value_dict, skip_const=False)[source]

Sets new values for non constant parameters.

  • value_dict (dict) – A dict that maps values by parameter name.
  • skip_const (bool) – if dict also maps values for constants, these can be skipped, otherwise an exception is raised.
test_run(on_shape_mismatch='warn', debug_outputs=False)[source]

Test execution of this node with random (but correctly shaped) data.

Parameters:on_shape_mismatch (str) – If this is “warn”, a warning is emitted if there is a mismatch between expected and calculated output shapes.
Return type:Debug output of the Theano function.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Input(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Input node

  • shape (list/tuple of int) – shape of input array, unspecified shapes are None
  • tags (list/tuple of strings or comma-separated string) – tags indicate which purpose the dimensions of the tensor serve. They are sometimes used to decide about reshapes. The maximal tensor has tags: “r, b, f, z, y, x, s” which denote: * r: perform recurrence along this axis * b: batch size * f: features, filters, channels * z: convolution no. 3 (slower than 1,2) * y: convolution no. 1 * x: convolution no. 2 * s: samples of the same instance (over which expectations are calculated) Unused axes are to be removed from this list, but b and f must always remain. To avoid bad memory layout, the order must not be changed. For less than 3 convolutions conv1,conv2 are preferred for performance reasons. Note that CNNs can mix nodes with 2d and 3d convolutions as 2d is a special case of 3d with filter size 1 on the respective axis. In this case conv3 should be used for the axis with smallest filter size.
  • strides
  • fov
  • dtype (str) – corresponding to numpy dtype (e.g., ‘int64’). Default is floatX from theano config
  • hardcoded_shape
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Input_like(ref, dtype=None, name='input', print_repr=True, override_f=False, hardcoded_shape=False)[source]
class elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Concat(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Node to concatenate the inputs. The inputs must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis. This is not checked as shapes might be unspecified prior to compilation!

  • parent_nodes (list of Node) – Inputs to be concatenated.
  • axis (int) – Join axis.
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.ApplyFunc(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Apply function to the input. If the function changes the output shape, this node should not be used.

  • parent (Node) – Input (single).
  • functor (function) – Function that acts on theano variables (e.g. theano.tensor.tanh).
  • args (tuple) – Arguments passed to functor after the input.
  • kwargs (dict) – kwargs for functor.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.FromTensor(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Dummy node to be used in the split-function.

  • tensor (T.Tensor) –
  • tensor_shape
  • tensor_parent (T.Tensor) –
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.split(node, axis='f', index=None, n_out=None, strip_singleton_dims=False, name='split')[source]
class elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.GenericInput(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Input node for arbitrary oject.

  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.ValueNode(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

(Optionally) trainable value node

  • shape (list/tuple of int) – shape of input array, unspecified shapes are None
  • tags (list/tuple of strings or comma-separated string) –

    tags indicate which purpose the dimensions of the tensor serve. They are sometimes used to decide about reshapes. The maximal tensor has tags: “r, b, f, z, y, x, s” which denote:

    • r: perform recurrence along this axis
    • b: batch size
    • f: features, filters, channels
    • z: convolution no. 3 (slower than 1,2)
    • y: convolution no. 1
    • x: convolution no. 2
    • s: samples of the same instance (over which expectations are calculated)

    Unused axes are to be removed from this list, but b and f must always remain. To avoid bad memory layout, the order must not be changed. For less than 3 convolutions conv1,conv2 are preferred for performance reasons. Note that CNNs can mix nodes with 2d and 3d convolutions as 2d is a special case of 3d with filter size 1 on the respective axis. In this case conv3 should be used for the axis with smallest filter size.

  • strides
  • fov
  • dtype (str) – corresponding to numpy dtype (e.g., ‘int64’). Default is floatX from theano config
  • apply_train (bool) –
  • value
  • init_kwargs (dict) –
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.MultMerge(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Node to concatenate the inputs. The inputs must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis. This is not checked as shapes might be unspecified prior to compilation!

  • n1 (Node) – First input node.
  • n2 (Node) – Second input node.
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.
class elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.InitialState_like(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

  • parent
  • override_f
  • dtype
  • name
  • print_repr
  • init_kwargs
class elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Add(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Add two nodes using theano.tensor.add.

  • n1 (Node) – First input node.
  • n2 (Node) – Second input node.
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • print_repr (bool) – Whether to print the node representation upon initialisation.

elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser module

class elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.AdaDelta(inputs, loss, grads, params, extra_updates, additional_outputs=None)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.Optimiser

AdaDelta optimiser (See https://arxiv.org/abs/1212.5701).

Like AdaGrad, but accumulate squared only over window The delta part is some diagonal hessian approximation. Claims to be robust against sudden large gradients because then the denominator explodes, but this explosion is persistent for a while… (and this argumentation is true for any method accumulating squared grads).

class elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.AdaGrad(inputs, loss, grads, params, extra_updates, additional_outputs=None)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.Optimiser

AdaGrad optimiser (See http://jmlr.org/papers/v12/duchi11a.html).

Tries to favor making faster progress on parameters with usually small gradients (but does somehow ignore their actual direction, i.e. a parameter which has a lot of small gradients in the same direction and one that has many small gradients in opposite directions have both a high LR !

class elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.Adam(inputs, loss, grads, params, extra_updates, additional_outputs=None)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.Optimiser

Adam optimiser (See https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980v9).

Like AdaGrad with windowed squared_accum and with momentum and a bias for the initial phase (t). The normalisation of Adam and AdaGrad (and RMSProp) does not damp but exaggerates sudden steep gradients (their squared_accum is small and their current grad is large).

class elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.CG(inputs, loss, grads, params, additional_outputs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.Optimiser

class elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.Optimiser(inputs, loss, grads, params, additional_outputs)[source]

Bases: object

alloc_shared_grads(name_suffix='_lg', init_val=0.0)[source]

Returns new shared variables matching the shape of params/gradients

global_lr = lr
global_mom = mom
global_weight_decay = weight_decay

Update the meta-parameters via value dictionary

classmethod setlr(val)[source]

Set learning rate (global to all optimisers)

classmethod setmom(val)[source]

Set momentum parameter (global to all optimisers)

classmethod setwd(val)[source]

Set weight decay parameter (global to all optimisers)

class elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.SGD(inputs, loss, grads, params, extra_updates, additional_outputs=None)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser.Optimiser

SGD optimiser (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_gradient_descent).

elektronn2.neuromancer.variables module

class elektronn2.neuromancer.variables.VariableParam(value=None, name=None, apply_train=True, apply_reg=True, dtype=None, strict=False, allow_downcast=None, borrow=False, broadcastable=None)[source]

Bases: theano.tensor.sharedvar.TensorSharedVariable

Extension of theano TensorSharedVariable. Additional features are described by the parameters, otherwise identical

  • value
  • name (str) –
  • flag (apply_train) – whether to apply regularisation (e.g. L2) on this param
  • flag – whether to train this parameter (as opposed to a meta-parameter or a parameter that is kept const. during a training phase)
  • dtype
  • strict (bool) –
  • allow_downcast (bool) –
  • borrow (bool) –
  • broadcastable
class elektronn2.neuromancer.variables.VariableWeight(shape=None, init_kwargs=None, value=None, name=None, apply_train=True, apply_reg=True, dtype=None, strict=False, allow_downcast=None, borrow=False, broadcastable=None)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.variables.VariableParam

set_value(new_value, borrow=False)[source]
class elektronn2.neuromancer.variables.ConstantParam(value, name=None, dtype=None, make_singletons_broadcastable=True)[source]

Bases: theano.tensor.var.TensorConstant

Identical to theano VariableParam except that there are two two addition attributes apply_train and apply_reg`, which are both false. This is just to tell ELEKTRONN2 that this parameter is to be exempted from training. Obviously the set_value method raises an exception because this is a real constant. Constants are faster in the theano graph.

set_value(new_value, borrow=False)[source]
elektronn2.neuromancer.variables.initweights(shape, dtype='float64', scale='glorot', mode='normal', pool=None, spatial_axes=None)[source]

elektronn2.neuromancer.various module

class elektronn2.neuromancer.various.GaussianRV(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

  • mu (node) – Mean of the Gaussian density
  • sig (node) – Sigma of the Gaussian density
  • n_samples (int) – Number of samples to be drawn per instance. Special case ‘0’: draw 1 sample but don’t’ increase rank of tensor!
  • output is a sample from separable Gaussians of given mean and (The) –
  • (but this operation is still differentiable, due to the (sigma) –
  • trick") ("re-parameterisation) –
  • output dimension mu.ndim+1 because the samples are accumulated along (The) –
  • new axis right of 'b' (batch) (a) –

Creates a new Layer that calculates the Auto-Encoding-Variation-Bayes (AEVB) prior corresponding to this Layer.

elektronn2.neuromancer.various.SkelLoss(pred, loss_kwargs, skel=None, name='skel_loss', print_repr=True)[source]
class elektronn2.neuromancer.various.SkelPrior(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

pred must be a vector of shape [(1,b),(3,f)] or [(3,f)] i.e. only batch_size=1 is supported.

  • pred
  • target_length
  • prior_n
  • prior_posz
  • prior_z
  • prior_xy
  • name
  • print_repr
elektronn2.neuromancer.various.Scan(step_result, in_memory, out_memory=None, in_iterate=None, in_iterate_0=None, n_steps=None, unroll_scan=True, last_only=False, name='scan', print_repr=True)[source]
  • step_result (node/list(nodes)) – nodes that represent results of step function
  • in_memory (node/list(nodes)) – nodes that indicate at which place in the computational graph the memory is feed back into the step function. If out_memory is not specified this must contain a node for every node in step_result because then the whole result will be fed back.
  • out_memory (node/list(nodes)) – (optional) must be subset of step_result and of same length as in_memory, tells which nodes of the result are fed back to in_memory. If None, all are fed back.
  • in_iterate (node/list(nodes)) – nodes with a leading 'r' axis to be iterated over (e.g. time series of shape [(30,r),(100,b),(50,f)]). In every step a slice from the first axis is consumed.
  • in_iterate_0 (node/list(nodes)) – nodes that consume a single slice of the in_iterate nodes. Part of “the inner function” of the scan loop in contrast to in_iterate
  • n_steps (int) –
  • unroll_scan (bool) –
  • last_only (bool) –
  • name (str) –
  • print_repr (bool) –

  • A node for every node in step_result which either contains the last
  • state or the series of states - then it has a leading 'r' axis.

elektronn2.neuromancer.various.SkelGetBatch(skel, aux, img_sh, t_img_sh, t_grid_sh, t_node_sh, get_batch_kwargs, scale_strenght=None, name='skel_batch')[source]
class elektronn2.neuromancer.various.SkelLossRec(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

pred must be a vector of shape [(1,b),(3,f)] or [(3,f)] i.e. only batch_size=1 is supported.

  • pred
  • skel
  • loss_kwargs
  • name
  • print_repr
class elektronn2.neuromancer.various.Reshape(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node

Reshape node.

  • parent
  • shape
  • tags
  • strides
  • fov
  • name
  • print_repr
elektronn2.neuromancer.various.SkelGridUpdate(grid, skel, radius, bio, name='skelgridupdate', print_repr=True)[source]

Module contents