Source code for elektronn2.neuromancer.various

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN2 Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2015 Marius Killinger
# All rights reserved

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import filter, hex, input, int, map, next, oct, pow, range, super, zip

import logging
import time

import numpy as np
import theano
from theano import tensor as T, gof
from theano.gradient import disconnected_type

from .. import config
from .. import utils
from .node_basic import Node, GenericInput, FromTensor, model_manager
from .graphutils import TaggedShape, floatX
from .variables import VariableParam

logger = logging.getLogger('elektronn2log')
inspection_logger = logging.getLogger('elektronn2log-inspection')

__all__ = ['GaussianRV', 'SkelLoss',
           'SkelPrior', 'Scan', 'SkelGetBatch', 'SkelLossRec',
           'Reshape', 'SkelGridUpdate']

[docs]class GaussianRV(Node): """ Parameters ---------- mu: node Mean of the Gaussian density sig: node Sigma of the Gaussian density n_samples: int Number of samples to be drawn per instance. Special case '0': draw 1 sample but don't' increase rank of tensor! The output is a **sample** from separable Gaussians of given mean and sigma (but this operation is still differentiable, due to the "re-parameterisation trick"). The output dimension mu.ndim+1 because the samples are accumulated along a new axis **right** of 'b' (batch). """ def __init__(self, mu, log_sig, n_samples=0, name="state", print_repr=True): super(GaussianRV, self).__init__((mu, log_sig), name, print_repr) = mu self.log_sig = log_sig self.n_samples = n_samples def _make_output(self): """ Computation of Theano Output """ # It is assumed that all other dimensions are matching mu = log_sig = self.log_sig.output sig = T.exp(log_sig) rng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(int(time.time())) if self.n_samples>0: samples = [] pattern = list(range(mu.type.ndim)) batch_index = self.parent[0].shape.tag2index('b') pattern.insert(batch_index+1, 'x') # +1 because it is right of batch for i in range(self.n_samples): noise = rng.normal(mu.shape) z = mu + sig * noise samples.append(z.dimshuffle(pattern)) z = T.concatenate(samples, axis=batch_index) else: noise = rng.normal(mu.shape) z = mu + sig * noise self.output = z def _calc_shape(self): if self.n_samples>0: self.shape = self.parent[0].shape.addaxis('b', self.n_samples, 's') else: self.shape = self.parent[0].shape.copy() def _calc_comp_cost(self): n = self.parent[0].shape.stripnone_prod if self.n_samples>0: self.computational_cost = n * self.n_samples else: self.computational_cost = n
[docs] def make_priorlayer(self): """ Creates a new Layer that calculates the Auto-Encoding-Variation-Bayes (AEVB) prior corresponding to this Layer. """ # In particular the number of samples is the same, otherwise the relative # weight of prior and objective are wrong! return GaussianAEVBPrior(, self.log_sig, self.n_samples,"_prior")
############################################################################### class GaussianAEVBPrior(GaussianRV): """ Parameters ---------- mu: Layer Mean of the Gaussian density sig: Layer Sigma of the Gaussian density n_samples: int Number of samples to be drawn per instance. Special case '0': draw 1 sample but don't' increase rank of tensor! The prior basically puts a L2-norm on mu and a similar constraint on sig but transformed such that sig=1 is favoured and for sig --> 0 it goes to inf. This Layer should only be created using the dedicated method of ``GaussianRV``. """ def __init__(self, mu, log_sig, n_samples=0, name="prior", print_repr=True): super(GaussianAEVBPrior, self).__init__(mu, log_sig, n_samples, name, print_repr) def _make_output(self): """ Computation of Theano Output """ # It is assumed that all other dimensions are matching mu = log_sig = self.log_sig.output sig = T.exp(log_sig) prior = 0.5 * (mu**2 + sig**2 - 1 - 2*log_sig) if self.n_samples>0: # The prior is replicated along a new sample axis in order to ensure # correct relative normalisation pattern = list(range(mu.type.ndim)) batch_index = self.parent[0].shape.tag2index('b') pattern.insert(batch_index+1, 'x') # +1 because it is right of batch prior = prior.dimshuffle(pattern) prior = T.repeat(prior, self.n_samples, axis=-1) self.output = prior ############################################################################### class StereographicMap(Node): """ Interpret pred (bs, 3) as (X,Y,R), map to $(x, y, z) = R \cdot \left(\frac{2 X}{1 + X^2 + Y^2}, \frac{2 Y}{1 + X^2 + Y^2}, \frac{-1 + X^2 + Y^2}{1 + X^2 + Y^2}\right)$ Parameters ---------- pred name print_repr """ def __init__(self, pred, name="stereo_map", print_repr=True): super(StereographicMap, self).__init__(pred, name, print_repr) self.pred = pred.output self.pred_shape = pred.shape def _make_output(self): assert len(self.pred_shape)==2 assert self.pred_shape[-1] == 3 assert self.pred_shape[0] == 1 R, Y, X = self.pred[:,0], self.pred[:,1], self.pred[:,2] R = T.nnet.softplus(R) z = - R * (-1 + X ** 2 + Y ** 2) / (1 + X ** 2 + Y ** 2) y = R * 2 * Y / (1 + X ** 2 + Y ** 2) x = R * 2 * X / (1 + X ** 2 + Y ** 2) self.output = T.stack((z, y, x)).T def _calc_shape(self): self.shape = TaggedShape([1,3], ['b','f'])
[docs]class SkelPrior(Node): """ pred must be a vector of shape [(1,b),(3,f)] or [(3,f)] i.e. only batch_size=1 is supported. Parameters ---------- pred target_length prior_n prior_posz prior_z prior_xy name print_repr """ def __init__(self, pred, target_length=5.0, prior_n=0.0, prior_posz=0.0, prior_z=0.0, prior_xy=0.0, name="skel_prior", print_repr=True): super(SkelPrior, self).__init__(pred, name, print_repr) self.pred = pred.output self.pred_shape = pred.shape self.target_length = VariableParam(value=target_length, name="target_length", dtype=floatX, apply_train=False) self.prior_n = VariableParam(value=prior_n, name="prior_n", dtype=floatX, apply_train=False) self.prior_z = VariableParam(value=prior_z, name="prior_z", dtype=floatX, apply_train=False) self.prior_posz = VariableParam(value=prior_posz, name="prior_posz", dtype=floatX, apply_train=False) self.prior_xy = VariableParam(value=prior_xy, name="prior_xy", dtype=floatX, apply_train=False) self.params['target_length'] = self.target_length self.params['prior_n'] = self.prior_n self.params['prior_z'] = self.prior_z self.params['prior_posz'] = self.prior_posz self.params['prior_xy'] = self.prior_xy def _make_output(self): assert len(self.pred_shape) in [1,2] assert self.pred_shape[-1] == 3 if len(self.pred_shape)==2: assert self.pred_shape[0] == 1 self.pred = self.pred[0] #self.pred = self.pred[:3] # just work on first 3 entries, rest might be anything aniso = np.array([2,1,1], dtype=np.float32) norm = T.sqrt(T.sum( (self.pred * aniso)**2)) prior_n = self.prior_n * T.maximum(abs(norm - self.target_length) - 0.75, 0) # norm, maring of +/- 0.75 prior_posz = self.prior_posz * T.nnet.softplus(-self.pred[0]) # penalise negative z prior_z = self.prior_z * abs(self.target_length/2-self.pred[0]) # make prior_xy = self.prior_xy * T.sqrt(T.sum(self.pred[1:] ** 2)) # penalise larger xy self.output = prior_n + prior_posz + prior_z + prior_xy self._debug_outputs.extend([norm, prior_n, prior_posz, prior_z, prior_xy]) def _calc_shape(self): self.shape = TaggedShape([1], ['f'])
class SkelLossOP(theano.Op): """ Parameters ---------- predicted vec skel_obj Returns ------- scalar loss """ __props__ = () def make_node(self, *inputs, **kwargs): inputs = list(inputs) inputs[0] = T.as_tensor_variable(inputs[0]) loss = T.fvector('skel_loss') grad = T.fvector('skel_loss_grad') outputs = [loss, grad] self.loss_kwargs = kwargs return gof.Apply(self, inputs, outputs) def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage): new_position_c, skel_obj, trafo = inputs loss, grad = output_storage new_position_l, _ = trafo.cnn_pred2lab_position(new_position_c) new_position_s = new_position_l[::-1] loss_, grad_s = skel_obj.get_loss_and_gradient(new_position_s, **self.loss_kwargs) # loss nearest_s grad_l = grad_s[::-1] grad_c = trafo.lab_coord2cnn_coord(grad_l) loss[0], grad[0] = loss_, grad_c if config.inspection:"pred_s: %s, grad_s: %s, pred_c: %s, grad_c: %s" % (new_position_s.tolist(), grad_s.tolist(), new_position_c.tolist(), grad_c.tolist())) def grad(self, inputs, outputs_gradients): grad_0 = self(*inputs)[1] grad_1 = disconnected_type() grad_2 = disconnected_type() return [grad_0, grad_1, grad_2] def connection_pattern(self, node): # there is only a grad of the first output w.r.t. the first input return [[True, False],[False, False],[False, False]] class SkelLossN(Node): """ pred must be a vector of shape [(1,b),(3,f)] or [(3,f)] i.e. only batch_size=1 is supported Parameters ---------- pred skel trafo loss_kwargs name print_repr """ def __init__(self, pred, skel, trafo, loss_kwargs, name="skel_loss", print_repr=True): super(SkelLossN, self).__init__((pred, skel, trafo), name, print_repr) self.skel = skel.output self.trafo = trafo.output self.pred = pred.output self.pred_shape = pred.shape self.loss_kwargs = loss_kwargs def _make_output(self): assert len(self.pred_shape) in [1,2] assert self.pred_shape[-1] == 3 if len(self.pred_shape)==2: assert self.pred_shape[0] == 1 self.pred = self.pred[0] loss, grad = SkelLossOP()(self.pred, self.skel, self.trafo, **self.loss_kwargs) self.output = loss def _calc_shape(self): self.shape = TaggedShape([1], ['f'])
[docs]def SkelLoss(pred, loss_kwargs, skel=None, name="skel_loss", print_repr=True): if skel is None: skel = GenericInput(name='skeleton') # This is not an argument to this node trafo = GenericInput(name='trafo') return SkelLossN(pred, skel, trafo, loss_kwargs, name=name, print_repr=print_repr)
############################################################################### class SkelLossRecOP(theano.Op): """ For Recurrent """ __props__ = () def make_node(self, *inputs, **kwargs): inputs = list(inputs) inputs[0] = T.as_tensor_variable(inputs[0]) loss = T.fvector('skel_loss') grad = T.fvector('skel_loss_grad') outputs = [loss, grad] self.loss_kwargs = kwargs return gof.Apply(self, inputs, outputs) def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage): new_position_c, pred_features, skel_obj = inputs new_position_l, tracing_direc_il = skel_obj.trafo.cnn_pred2lab_position(new_position_c) new_position_s = new_position_l[::-1] tracing_direc_is = tracing_direc_il[::-1] if config.inspection:"LossOP, node pred %s" %(np.array_str(pred_features, precision=2, suppress_small=True),))"LossOP, new_position_c: %s, new_position_l: %s"%(new_position_c,np.array_str(new_position_l, precision=1, suppress_small=True))) loss_, grad_s, nearest_s = skel_obj.step_feedback(new_position_s, tracing_direc_is, new_position_c, pred_features, **self.loss_kwargs) grad_l = grad_s[::-1] grad_c = skel_obj.trafo.lab_coord2cnn_coord(grad_l) loss, grad = output_storage loss[0] = loss_.astype(np.float32) grad[0] = grad_c.astype(np.float32) if config.inspection:"LossOP, loss: %s, grad: %s"%(loss, grad_c)) def grad(self, inputs, outputs_gradients): grad_0 = self(*inputs)[1] grad_1 = disconnected_type() grad_2 = disconnected_type() return [grad_0, grad_1, grad_2] def connection_pattern(self, node): # there is only a grad of the first output w.r.t. the first input return [[True, False],[False, False],[False, False]]
[docs]class SkelLossRec(Node): """ pred must be a vector of shape [(1,b),(3,f)] or [(3,f)] i.e. only batch_size=1 is supported. Parameters ---------- pred skel loss_kwargs name print_repr """ def __init__(self, pred, skel, loss_kwargs, name="skel_loss", print_repr=True): super(SkelLossRec, self).__init__((pred, skel), name, print_repr) self.skel = skel.output self.pred = pred.output self.pred_shape = pred.shape self.loss_kwargs = loss_kwargs def _make_output(self): assert len(self.pred_shape) in [1,2] assert self.pred_shape[-1] == 10 if len(self.pred_shape)==2: assert self.pred_shape[0] == 1 self.pred = self.pred[0] pred = self.pred[:3] pred_feat = self.pred[3:] loss, grad = SkelLossRecOP()(pred, pred_feat, self.skel, **self.loss_kwargs) self.output = loss def _calc_shape(self): self.shape = TaggedShape([1], ['f'])
############################################################################### class SkelGridUpdateOP(theano.Op): """ For Recurrent """ __props__ = () def make_node(self, *inputs, **kwargs): inputs = list(inputs) best_pred = T.fmatrix('best_pred') preds = T.fmatrix('preds') scores = T.fvector('scores') outputs = [best_pred, preds, scores] self.kwargs = kwargs return gof.Apply(self, inputs, outputs) def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage): grid, skel_obj, radius, bio = inputs best_pred_, preds_, scores_ = skel_obj.step_grid_update(grid, radius, bio) best_pred, preds, scores = output_storage best_pred[0] = best_pred_ preds[0] = preds_ scores[0] = scores_ def grad(self, inputs, outputs_gradients): grad_0 = disconnected_type() grad_1 = disconnected_type() return [grad_0, grad_1] def connection_pattern(self, node): # there is only a grad of the first output w.r.t. the first input return [[True, False, False], [False, False, False]] class SkelGridUpdateN(Node): """ pred must be a vector of shape [(1,b),(3,f)] or [(3,f)] i.e. only batch_size=1 is supported Parameters ---------- grid skel radius bio name print_repr """ def __init__(self, grid, skel, radius, bio, name="grid2pred", print_repr=True): super(SkelGridUpdateN, self).__init__((grid, skel, radius, bio), name, print_repr) self.skel = skel.output self.grid = grid.output self.radius = radius.output = bio.output def _make_output(self): best_pred, preds, scores = SkelGridUpdateOP()(self.grid, self.skel, self.radius, self.output = [best_pred, preds, scores] self.output_names = ['tracing', 'tracings', 'scores'] def _calc_shape(self): pred_sh = TaggedShape((1,3), 'b,f') preds_sh = TaggedShape((1, None, 3), 'b,s,f') scores = TaggedShape((1, None), 'b,s') self.shape = [pred_sh, preds_sh, scores] def skelgridupdate_split(parent, name='skelgridupdate_split'): args = () kwargs = dict(name=name) model_manager.current.register_split(parent, skelgridupdate_split, name, args, kwargs) outs = [] for out, out_sh, out_name in zip(parent.output, parent.shape, parent.output_names): outs.append(FromTensor(out, out_sh, parent, name=out_name, print_repr=False)) return outs
[docs]def SkelGridUpdate(grid, skel, radius, bio, name="skelgridupdate", print_repr=True): preds = SkelGridUpdateN(grid, skel, radius, bio, name=name, print_repr=print_repr) outputs = scansplit(preds, name='skelgridupdate_split') return outputs
############################################################################### class SkelGetBatchOP(theano.Op): """ Parameters ---------- predicted vec skel_obj Returns ------- scalar loss """ __props__ = () def make_node(self, *inputs, **kwargs): inputs = list(inputs) img = T.TensorType(theano.config.floatX, (False,) * 5, name='image')() target_img = T.TensorType(theano.config.floatX, (False,) * 5, name='target_img')() target_grid = T.TensorType(theano.config.floatX, (False,) * 5, name='target_grid')() target_node = T.TensorType(theano.config.floatX, (False,) * 2, name='target_node')() outputs = [img, target_img, target_grid, target_node] self.get_batch_kwargs = kwargs return gof.Apply(self, inputs, outputs) def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage): skel_obj, prediction, scale_strenght = inputs img, target_img, target_grid, target_node = output_storage batch = skel_obj.getbatch(prediction, scale_strenght, **self.get_batch_kwargs) img_, target_img_, target_grid_, target_node_ = batch img[0] = img_.astype(np.float32) target_img[0] = target_img_.astype(np.float32) target_grid[0] = target_grid_[None].astype(np.float32) target_node[0] = target_node_[None].astype(np.float32) if config.inspection:"GetBatch: success") def grad(self, inputs, outputs_gradients): grad = [[disconnected_type(),]*4,]*3 return grad def connection_pattern(self, node): return [[False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False]] def do_constant_folding(self, node): return False class SkelGetBatchN(Node): """ Dummy Node to be used in the split-function. Parameters ---------- skel aux img_sh get_batch_kwargs scale_strenght name print_repr """ def __init__(self, skel, aux, img_sh, get_batch_kwargs, scale_strenght=None, name='skel_batch', print_repr=False): super(SkelGetBatchN, self).__init__((skel, aux), name, print_repr) self.skel = skel self.aux = aux self.img_sh = img_sh self.get_batch_kwargs = get_batch_kwargs scale_strenght = scale_strenght if scale_strenght else 0.0 self.scale_strenght = VariableParam(value=scale_strenght, name="scale_strenght", dtype=floatX, apply_train=False) self.params["scale_strenght"] = self.scale_strenght def _make_output(self): batch = SkelGetBatchOP()(self.skel.output, self.aux.output, self.scale_strenght, **self.get_batch_kwargs) self.output = batch[0] self.target_img = batch[1] self.target_grid = batch[2] self.target_node = batch[3] def _calc_shape(self): self.shape = TaggedShape(self.img_sh, 'b,f,z,y,x') def _calc_comp_cost(self): self.computational_cost = 0 def skelgetbatch_split(batch, img_sh, t_img_sh, t_grid_sh, t_node_sh, name='skel_batch_split'): args = (img_sh, t_img_sh, t_grid_sh, t_node_sh) kwargs = dict(name=name) model_manager.current.register_split(batch, skelgetbatch_split, name, args, kwargs) # Split the various outputs of the batch img = FromTensor(batch.output, img_sh, batch, name='skel_img', print_repr=False) target_img = FromTensor(batch.target_img, t_img_sh, batch, name='skel_t_img', print_repr=False) target_grid = FromTensor(batch.target_grid, t_grid_sh, batch, name='skel_t_grid', print_repr=False) target_node = FromTensor(batch.target_node, t_node_sh, batch, name='skel_t_node', print_repr=False) return img, target_img, target_grid, target_node
[docs]def SkelGetBatch(skel, aux, img_sh, t_img_sh, t_grid_sh, t_node_sh, get_batch_kwargs, scale_strenght=None, name='skel_batch'): # The SkelGetBatchN-Node must be created outside of Split because # Split is re-called at model restore and hence GetBatch would be create # Twice then get_batch_kwargs['t_grid_sh'] = t_grid_sh batch = SkelGetBatchN(skel, aux, img_sh, get_batch_kwargs, scale_strenght=scale_strenght, name=name) return skelgetbatch_split(batch, img_sh, t_img_sh, t_grid_sh, t_node_sh, name=name+"_split")
class ScanN(Node): """ WARNING: this node may only be used in conjunction with ``scansplit`` because its ``output`` and ``shape`` attributes are lists which will confuse normal nodes. The split wraps the outputs in individual Nodes (FromTensor). Parameters ---------- step_result: node/list(nodes) nodes that represent results of step function in_memory: node/list(nodes) nodes that indicate at which place in the computational graph the memory is feed back into the step function. If ``out_memory`` is not specified this must contain a node for *every* node in ``step_result`` because then the whole result will be fed back. out_memory: node/list(nodes) (optional) must be subset of ``step_result`` and of same length as ``in_memory``, tells which nodes of the result are fed back to ``in_memory``. If ``None``, all are fed back. in_iterate: node/list(nodes) nodes with a leading ``'r'`` axis to be iterated over (e.g. time series of shape [(30,r),(100,b),(50,f)]). In every step a slice from the first axis is consumed. in_iterate_0: node/list(nodes) nodes that consume a single slice of the ``in_iterate`` nodes. Part of "the inner function" of the scan loop in contrast to ``in_iterate`` n_steps: int unroll_scan: bool last_only: bool name: str print_repr: bool """ def __init__(self, step_result, in_memory, out_memory=None, in_iterate=None, in_iterate_0=None, n_steps=None, unroll_scan=True, last_only=False, name="scan", print_repr=True): step_result = utils.as_list(step_result) in_memory = utils.as_list(in_memory) out_memory = utils.as_list(out_memory) in_iterate = utils.as_list(in_iterate) in_iterate_0 = utils.as_list(in_iterate_0) if n_steps is None: assert in_iterate is not None if unroll_scan==True: n_steps = in_iterate[0].shape[0] else: if in_iterate is not None: assert n_steps == in_iterate[0].shape[0] if out_memory: assert len(in_memory)==len(out_memory) if in_iterate: assert in_iterate_0 and len(in_iterate)==len(in_iterate_0) if in_iterate_0: assert in_iterate if not out_memory: assert len(step_result)==len(in_memory) if out_memory: for o_m in out_memory: assert o_m in step_result #for o_m, i_m in zip(out_memory, in_memory): assert o_m.shape.shape == i_m.shape.shape else: for s_r, i_m in zip(step_result, in_memory): assert s_r.shape.shape == i_m.shape.shape parents = [] for pl in [step_result, in_memory, in_iterate]: if pl is not None: parents.extend(pl) if out_memory: out_memory_sl = [step_result.index(s_r) for s_r in out_memory] else: out_memory_sl = list(range(len(step_result))) super(ScanN, self).__init__(parents, name, print_repr) self.step_result = step_result self.in_memory = in_memory self.out_memory = out_memory self.out_memory_sl= out_memory_sl self.in_iterate = in_iterate self.in_iterate_0 = in_iterate_0 self._iterate = in_iterate is not None self.n_steps = n_steps self.unroll_scan = unroll_scan self.last_only = last_only self.output_names = ["scan_out_" for s_r in step_result] def _make_output(self): mem_hook = [i_m.output for i_m in self.in_memory] out_hook = [s_r.output for s_r in self.step_result] if self._iterate: it_hook = [i_o.output for i_o in self.in_iterate_0] if self.unroll_scan: out_accum = [] # Doe one iteration as is new_out = [s_r.output for s_r in self.step_result] out_accum.append(new_out) # replace the memory input and iterate in every step for t in range(1, self.n_steps): new_mem = [new_out[i] for i in self.out_memory_sl] replacements = dict(zip(mem_hook, new_mem)) if self._iterate: for i_h, i_i in zip(it_hook, self.in_iterate): replacements[i_h] = i_i.output[t] new_out = theano.clone(out_hook, replace=replacements) out_accum.append(new_out) # for k,v in replacements.items(): # print(" Replace ",k.auto_name,k," by ",v.auto_name,v) # print('---') if self.last_only: self.output = new_out else: self.output = [T.stack(r_accum, axis=0) for r_accum in zip(*out_accum)] else: if self.n_steps: logger.warning("If the number of steps is known, " "you should use 'unroll_scan'!") assert self._iterate l_it = len(it_hook) l_out = len(out_hook) l_mem = len(mem_hook) mem_map = [] for s_r in self.step_result: try: ix = self.out_memory.index(s_r) except: ix = None mem_map.append(ix) outputs_info = [] for i, s_r in enumerate(out_hook): if mem_map[i] is not None: outputs_info.append(dict(initial=out_hook[mem_map[i]], taps=[-1])) else: outputs_info.append(None) def step(*args): # args: input0 slices, output slices, non_seq it_slice = args[0:l_it] mem_new_hook = args[l_it:l_it+l_mem] tmp = args[l_it+l_mem:] out_hook__ = tmp[0:l_out] it_hook__ = tmp[l_out:l_it+l_out] mem_hook__ = tmp[l_it+l_out:] replacements__ = dict() for i, m_i, in enumerate(out_hook__): if mem_map[i] is not None: ix = mem_map[i] replacements__[mem_hook__[ix]] = mem_new_hook[i] for i_h, i_i in zip(it_hook__, it_slice): # consume the in_iterate_series slice replacements__[i_h] = i_i new_outputs = theano.clone(out_hook__, replace=replacements__) updates__ = dict() #condition = theano.scan_module.until(False) return new_outputs, updates__ #, condition results, updates = theano.scan(step, sequences=[i_i.output[1:] for i_i in self.in_iterate], outputs_info=outputs_info, non_sequences=out_hook+it_hook+mem_hook) if self.last_only: self.output = [r[-1] for r in results] else: l = [] results = utils.as_list(results) for r_0, r_accum in zip(out_hook, results): pattern = ['x'] + list(range(r_0.ndim)) l.append(T.concatenate([r_0.dimshuffle(pattern), r_accum], axis=0)) self.output = l def _calc_shape(self): if self.n_steps is None: n = self.in_iterate[0].shape[0] else: n = self.n_steps if self.last_only: self.shape = [s_r.shape.copy() for s_r in self.step_result] else: self.shape = [s_r.shape.addaxis(0, n, 'r') for s_r in self.step_result] def _calc_comp_cost(self): if self.n_steps is None: n = self.in_iterate[0].shape[0] else: n = self.n_steps self.computational_cost = (n-1) * self.step_result[0].all_computational_cost def scansplit(scan, name='scan_split'): args = () kwargs = dict(name=name) model_manager.current.register_split(scan, scansplit, name, args, kwargs) outs = [] for out, out_sh, out_name in zip(scan.output, scan.shape, scan.output_names): outs.append(FromTensor(out, out_sh, scan, name=out_name, print_repr=False)) return outs
[docs]def Scan(step_result, in_memory, out_memory=None, in_iterate=None, in_iterate_0=None, n_steps=None, unroll_scan=True, last_only=False, name="scan", print_repr=True): """ Parameters ---------- step_result: node/list(nodes) nodes that represent results of step function in_memory: node/list(nodes) nodes that indicate at which place in the computational graph the memory is feed back into the step function. If ``out_memory`` is not specified this must contain a node for *every* node in ``step_result`` because then the whole result will be fed back. out_memory: node/list(nodes) (optional) must be subset of ``step_result`` and of same length as ``in_memory``, tells which nodes of the result are fed back to ``in_memory``. If ``None``, all are fed back. in_iterate: node/list(nodes) nodes with a leading ``'r'`` axis to be iterated over (e.g. time series of shape [(30,r),(100,b),(50,f)]). In every step a slice from the first axis is consumed. in_iterate_0: node/list(nodes) nodes that consume a single slice of the ``in_iterate`` nodes. Part of "the inner function" of the scan loop in contrast to ``in_iterate`` n_steps: int unroll_scan: bool last_only: bool name: str print_repr: bool Returns ------- A node for every node in ``step_result`` which either contains the last state or the series of states - then it has a leading ``'r'`` axis. """ scan = ScanN(step_result, in_memory, out_memory, in_iterate, in_iterate_0, n_steps, unroll_scan=unroll_scan, last_only=last_only, name=name, print_repr=print_repr) outputs = scansplit(scan, name='scan_split') if len(outputs)==1: outputs = outputs[0] return outputs
[docs]class Reshape(Node): """ Reshape node. Parameters ---------- parent shape tags strides fov name print_repr """ def __init__(self, parent, shape, tags=None, strides=None, fov=None, name="reshape", print_repr=True): super(Reshape, self).__init__(parent, name, print_repr) self.parent = parent if isinstance(shape, TaggedShape): self._shape = shape else: if tags is None: raise ValueError("Tags argument must not be None if " "shape is not a TaggedShape") self._shape = TaggedShape(shape, tags, strides, fov=fov) if self._shape.stripbatch_prod != parent.shape.stripbatch_prod: raise ValueError("Cannot reshap %s to %s" %(parent.shape, self._shape)) def _make_output(self): new_sh = [x if x is not None else -1 for x in self._shape] self.output = self.parent.output.reshape(new_sh) def _calc_shape(self): self.shape = self._shape def _calc_comp_cost(self): self.computational_cost = 0
_SkeletonGetBatch = SkelGetBatchN _skeletongetbatchsplit = skelgetbatch_split SkeletonLossRec = SkelLossRec SkeletonPrior = SkelPrior _Scan = ScanN _scansplit = scansplit _SkeletonLoss = SkelLoss if __name__=="__main__": # test wrapping of generic type into graph class DummySkel(object): def __init__(self): self.val = 3.141 self.grad = np.array([1, 3, 5], dtype=np.float32) def get_loss(self, predicted): # print("I'm here %s" %predicted) return self.val, self.grad * predicted skel_var = gof.type.Generic()() x = T.TensorType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False,))() w = theano.shared(np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32)) pred_var =, x) loss_var, loss_grad = SkelLossOP()(pred_var, skel_var) f = theano.function([x, skel_var], [loss_var]) grad_var = theano.grad(loss_var, [w, ]) f_grad = theano.function([x, skel_var], grad_var + [loss_var, pred_var]) test_vals = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32) skel = DummySkel() print(f(test_vals, skel)) print(f_grad(test_vals, skel)) theano.printing.pydotprint(f_grad, '/tmp/step_result.svg') ########################################################################### from elektronn2 import neuromancer import theano act = 'tanh' data = neuromancer.Input((1, 20), 'b,f', name='data') mem_0 = neuromancer.Input((1, 120), 'b,f', name='mem') mlp1 = neuromancer.Dot(data, 120, activation_func=act) join = neuromancer.Concat([mlp1, mem_0]) out = neuromancer.Dot(join, 120, activation_func=act) out2 = neuromancer.Dot(out, 13, activation_func='lin') # recurrent = neuromancer.Scan(out, in_memory=mem_0, n_steps=10) recurrent, out2r = neuromancer.Scan([out, out2], out_memory=out, in_memory=mem_0, n_steps=7) loss = neuromancer.AggregateLoss(recurrent) loss = neuromancer.AggregateLoss(out2r) grad = theano.grad(loss.output, loss.all_trainable_params.values(), disconnected_inputs='warn') recurrent() out2r() print(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.op.__class__.__name__=="Dot22", recurrent._output_func.func.maker.fgraph.apply_nodes)))) theano.printing.pydotprint(recurrent._output_func.func, outfile="/tmp/test-comp.png", var_with_name_simple=True) theano.printing.pydotprint(out2r._output_func.func, outfile="/tmp/test2-comp.png", var_with_name_simple=True) fn = theano.function(out.input_tensors, [recurrent.output, out2r.output]) x = np.random.rand(1, 20).astype(np.float32) m = np.random.rand(1, 120).astype(np.float32) y = recurrent(x, m) z = out2r(x, m) grad_fn = theano.function(out.input_tensors, grad) g = grad_fn(x, m)