Source code for elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN2 Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2015 Marius Killinger
# All rights reserved

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import filter, hex, input, int, map, next, oct, pow, range, super, zip

import logging
import numpy as np
import theano.tensor as T

from . import graphutils
from . import variables

logger = logging.getLogger('elektronn2log')

[docs]class Optimiser(object): global_lr = variables.VariableParam(value=1, name='lr', dtype=graphutils.floatX) global_weight_decay = variables.VariableParam(value=0, name='weight_decay', dtype=graphutils.floatX) global_mom = variables.VariableParam(value=0.9, name='mom', dtype=graphutils.floatX)
[docs] @classmethod def setlr(cls, val): """ Set learning rate (global to all optimisers) """ val = graphutils.as_floatX(val) cls.global_lr.set_value(val)
[docs] @classmethod def setwd(cls, val): """ Set weight decay parameter (global to all optimisers) """ val = graphutils.as_floatX(val) cls.global_weight_decay.set_value(val)
[docs] @classmethod def setmom(cls, val): """ Set momentum parameter (global to all optimisers) """ val = graphutils.as_floatX(val) cls.global_mom.set_value(val)
def __init__(self, inputs, loss, grads, params, additional_outputs): if additional_outputs is None: additional_outputs = [] self.meta_params = dict(lr=self.global_lr, mom=self.global_mom, wd=self.global_weight_decay) self.input = inputs self.output = [loss,] + additional_outputs self.loss = loss self.params = params self.grads = grads self.step = None self.last_exec_time = None self.last_dir = [] # the higher the index the older the params self.params_cycler = [self.alloc_shared_grads(name_suffix='_lp_%i'%i) for i in range(3)]
[docs] def alloc_shared_grads(self, name_suffix='_lg', init_val=0.0): """Returns new shared variables matching the shape of params/gradients""" grads = [] for i, p in enumerate(self.params): name = value = np.ones_like(p.get_value()) * graphutils.as_floatX(init_val) g = variables.VariableParam(value=value, name=name) grads.append(g) return grads
[docs] def set_opt_meta_params(self, value_dict): """ Update the meta-parameters via value dictionary """ for k,v in value_dict.items(): try: self.meta_params[k].set_value(v) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError
[docs] def clear_last_dir(self, last_dir=None): if last_dir is None: last_dir = self.last_dir for d in last_dir: d.set_value(np.zeros(d.get_value().shape, dtype=d.dtype))
[docs] def get_rotational_updates(self): updates = [] for x in zip(self.params, *self.params_cycler): new_param, param_queue, = x[0], x[1:] for i in range(len(param_queue)-1, 0, -1): updates.append((param_queue[i], param_queue[i-1])) updates.append((param_queue[0], new_param)) return updates
[docs] def repair(self): self.clear_last_dir() for p, p_old in zip(self.params, self.params_cycler[-1]): p.set_value(p_old.get_value())
def __call__(self, *args): """ Perform an update step [data (,labels etc...)] --> [loss (, add. outputs...)] """ ret = list(self.step(*args)) ret[0] = graphutils.as_floatX(ret[0]) # the scalar loss self.last_exec_time = self.step.last_exec_time return ret
[docs]class SGD(Optimiser): """ SGD optimiser (See """ def __init__(self, inputs, loss, grads, params, extra_updates, additional_outputs=None): super(SGD, self).__init__(inputs, loss, grads, params, additional_outputs) self.last_dir = self.alloc_shared_grads() # last direction os update updates = [] for g, d, p in zip(self.grads, self.last_dir, self.params): new_d = g + self.global_mom * d if p.apply_reg: if p.apply_reg > 1: multiplier = graphutils.as_floatX(p.apply_reg) new_p = p - self.global_lr * \ (new_d + self.global_weight_decay * p * multiplier) else: new_p = p - self.global_lr * \ (new_d + self.global_weight_decay * p) else: new_p = p - self.global_lr * new_d updates.append((d, new_d)) updates.append((p, new_p)) updates.extend(extra_updates) updates.extend(self.get_rotational_updates()) self.step = graphutils.make_func(self.input, self.output, updates=updates, name='SGD step')
[docs]class AdaGrad(Optimiser): """ AdaGrad optimiser (See Tries to favor making faster progress on parameters with usually small gradients (but does somehow ignore their actual direction, i.e. a parameter which has a lot of small gradients in the same direction and one that has many small gradients in opposite directions have both a high LR ! """ def __init__(self, inputs, loss, grads, params, extra_updates, additional_outputs=None): super(AdaGrad, self).__init__(inputs, loss, grads, params, additional_outputs) self._init_done = False self.hs = self.alloc_shared_grads('_h', init_val=0.0) updates = [] for g, h, p in zip(self.grads, self.hs, self.params): new_h = h + T.square(g) if p.apply_reg: # apply to W but not b new_p = p - self.global_lr / T.sqrt(new_h) * \ (g + self.global_weight_decay * p) else: new_p = p - self.global_lr / T.sqrt(new_h) * g updates.append((h, new_h)) updates.append((p, new_p)) updates.extend(extra_updates) self.step = graphutils.make_func(self.input, self.output, updates=updates, name='AdaGrad step') # Create init_func to init h from one gradient evaluation updates = [] for g, h in zip(self.grads, self.hs): new_h = h + T.square(g) updates.append((h, new_h)) self.init_func = graphutils.make_func(self.input, [], updates=updates, name='AdaGrad initialiser') def __call__(self, *args): if not self._init_done: self.init_func(*args) self._init_done = True return super(AdaGrad, self).__call__(*args)
[docs] def repair(self): super(AdaGrad, self).repair() self.clear_last_dir(self.hs) self._init_done = False
[docs]class AdaDelta(Optimiser): """ AdaDelta optimiser (See Like AdaGrad, but accumulate squared only over window The delta part is some diagonal hessian approximation. Claims to be robust against sudden large gradients because then the denominator explodes, but this explosion is persistent for a while... (and this argumentation is true for any method accumulating squared grads). """ def __init__(self, inputs, loss, grads, params, extra_updates, additional_outputs=None): super(AdaDelta, self).__init__(inputs, loss, grads, params, additional_outputs) self.squared_accum = self.alloc_shared_grads("_sq") # last directions update self.delta_accum = self.alloc_shared_grads("_d") # last directions update epsilon = 1e-5 updates = [] for g, s, d, p in zip(self.grads, self.squared_accum, self.delta_accum, self.params): new_s = self.global_mom * s + (1.0 - self.global_mom) * T.square(g) direction = (g * T.sqrt(d + epsilon) / T.sqrt(s + epsilon)) new_d = self.global_mom * d + (1 - self.global_mom) * T.square(direction) if p.apply_reg: if p.apply_reg > 1: multiplier = graphutils.as_floatX(p.apply_reg) new_p = p - self.global_lr * \ (direction + self.global_weight_decay * p * multiplier) else: new_p = p - self.global_lr * \ (direction + self.global_weight_decay * p) else: new_p = p - self.global_lr * direction updates.append((s, new_s)) updates.append((d, new_d)) updates.append((p, new_p)) updates.extend(extra_updates) updates.extend(self.get_rotational_updates()) self.step = graphutils.make_func(self.input, self.output, updates=updates, name='AdaDelta step')
[docs] def repair(self): super(AdaDelta, self).repair() self.clear_last_dir(self.squared_accum) self.clear_last_dir(self.delta_accum)
[docs]class Adam(Optimiser): """ Adam optimiser (See Like AdaGrad with windowed squared_accum and with momentum and a bias for the initial phase (t). The normalisation of Adam and AdaGrad (and RMSProp) does not damp but exaggerates sudden steep gradients (their squared_accum is small and their current grad is large). """ def __init__(self, inputs, loss, grads, params, extra_updates, additional_outputs=None): super(Adam, self).__init__(inputs, loss, grads, params, additional_outputs) self.squared_accum = self.alloc_shared_grads("_sq") # last directions update self.momentum = self.alloc_shared_grads("_m") # last directions update epsilon = 1e-5 # self.beta1 = variables.VariableParam(value=0.9, name='beta1', # dtype=graphutils.floatX) self.beta2 = variables.VariableParam(value=0.999, name='beta2', dtype=graphutils.floatX) #self.meta_params['beta1'] = self.beta1 self.meta_params['beta2'] = self.beta2 t_old = variables.VariableParam(value=0.0, name='beta2', dtype=graphutils.floatX) updates = [] t = 1 + t_old updates.append((t_old, t)) factor = T.sqrt(1-self.beta2**t)/(1-self.global_mom**t) for g, s, m, p in zip(self.grads, self.squared_accum, self.momentum, self.params): new_m = self.global_mom * m + (1.0 - self.global_mom) * g new_s = self.beta2 * s + (1.0 - self.beta2) * T.square(g) direction = factor * new_m / T.sqrt(new_s + epsilon) if p.apply_reg: if p.apply_reg > 1: multiplier = graphutils.as_floatX(p.apply_reg) new_p = p - self.global_lr * \ (direction + self.global_weight_decay * p * multiplier) else: new_p = p - self.global_lr * \ (direction + self.global_weight_decay * p) else: new_p = p - self.global_lr * direction updates.append((s, new_s)) updates.append((m, new_m)) updates.append((p, new_p)) updates.extend(extra_updates) updates.extend(self.get_rotational_updates()) self.step = graphutils.make_func(self.input, self.output, updates=updates, name='Adam step')
[docs] def repair(self): super(Adam, self).repair() self.clear_last_dir(self.squared_accum) self.clear_last_dir(self.momentum)
[docs]class CG(Optimiser): pass