elektronn2.neuromancer.model module

class elektronn2.neuromancer.model.Model(name='')[source]

Bases: elektronn2.neuromancer.graphmanager.GraphManager

Represents a neural network model and its current training state.

The Model is defined and checked by running Model.designate_nodes() with appropriate Nodes as arguments (see example in examples/numa_mnist.py).

Permanently saving a Model with its respective training state is possible with the Model.save() function. Loading a Model from a file is done by elektronn2.neuromancer.model.modelload().

During training of a neural network, you can access the current Model via the interactive training shell as the variable “model” (see elektronn2.training.trainutils.user_input()). There are several statistics and hyperparameters of the Model that you can inspect and set directly in the shell, e.g. entering >>> model.lr = 1e-3 and exiting the prompt again effectively sets the learning rate to 1e-3 for further training. (This can also be done with the shortcut “setlr 1e-3”.)

activations(*args, **kwargs)[source]
actstats(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Check if batch normalisation is active in any Node in the Model.


If debug_outputs is set, a list of all debug output names is returned.

designate_nodes(input_node='input', target_node=None, loss_node=None, prediction_node=None, prediction_ext=None, error_node=None, debug_outputs=None)[source]

Register input, target and other special Nodes in the Model.

Most of the Model’s attributes are derived from the Nodes that are given as arguments here.


Get dropout rates.

get_param_values(skip_const=False, as_list=False)[source]

Only use this to save/load parameters!

Returns a dict of mapping the values of the params (such that they can be saved to disk) :param skip_const: whether to exclude constant parameters

gradients(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Get gradnet rates.

Description: https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06827

gradstats(*args, **kwargs)[source]
loss(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Get shape(s) of loss nodes’ input node(s).

The return value is either a shape (if one input) or a list of shapes (if multiple inputs).


Get average loss during the last training steps.

The average is calculated over the last n steps, where n is defined by the config variable time_per_step_smoothing_length (default: 50).


Get learning rate.

measure_exectimes(n_samples=5, n_warmup=4, print_info=True)[source]

Return an OrderedDict that maps node names to their estimated execution times in milliseconds.

Parameters are the same as in elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Node.measure_exectime()


Get mixing weights.


Get momentum.

predict(*args, **kwargs)[source]
predict_dense(raw_img, as_uint8=False, pad_raw=False)[source]
predict_ext(*args, **kwargs)[source]

If a prediction node is set, return its feature names.


Save a Model (including its training state) to a pickle file. :param file_name: File name to save the Model in.

set_opt_meta_params(opt_name, value_dict)[source]
set_param_values(value_dict, skip_const=False)[source]

Only use this to save/load parameters!

Sets new values for non constant parameters :param value_dict: dict mapping values by parameter name / or file name thereof :param skip_const: if dict also maps values for constants, these can be skipped, otherwise an exception is raised.


Execute test run on the prediction node.


Get average run time per training step.

The average is calculated over the last n steps, where n is defined by the config variable time_per_step_smoothing_length (default: 50).

trainingstep(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Perform one optimiser iteration. Optimisers can be chosen by the kwarg optimiser.

Signature: trainingstep(data, target(, *aux)(, **kwargs**))

  • *args
    • data: floatX array
      input [bs, ch (, z, y, x)]
    • targets: int16 array
      [bs,((z,)y,x)] (optional)
    • (optional) other inputs: np.ndarray
      depending in model
  • **kwargs
    • optimiser: str
      Name of the chosen optimiser class in elektronn2.neuromancer.optimiser
    • update_loss: Bool
      determine current loss after update step (e.g. needed for queue, but get_loss can also be called explicitly)

  • loss (floatX) – Loss (nll, squared error etc…)
  • t (float) – Time spent on the GPU per step


Get weight decay.

elektronn2.neuromancer.model.modelload(file_name, override_mfp_to_active=False, imposed_patch_size=None, imposed_batch_size=None, name=None, **model_load_kwargs)[source]

Load a Model from a pickle file (created by Model.save()).

model_load_kwargs: remove_bn, make_weights_constant (True/False)


Extract the tuple (filter_shapes, pool_shapes, mfp) from a model description.

Parameters:model_descr – Model description OrderedDict.
Returns:Tuple (filter_shapes, pool_shapes, mfp).

Load parameters from a model file.

Parameters:file_name – File name of the pickled Model.
Returns:OrderedDict of model parameters.
elektronn2.neuromancer.model.rebuild_model(model, override_mfp_to_active=False, imposed_patch_size=None, name=None, **model_load_kwargs)[source]

Rebuild a Model by saving it to a file and reloading it from there.

  • model – Model object.
  • override_mfp_to_active – (See elektronn2.neuromancer.model.modelload()).
  • imposed_patch_size – (See elektronn2.neuromancer.model.modelload()).
  • name – New model name.
  • model_load_kwargs – Additional kwargs for restoring Model (see elektronn2.neuromancer.graphmanager.GraphManager.restore()).

Rebuilt Model.

elektronn2.neuromancer.model.simple_cnn(batch_size, n_ch, n_lab, desired_input, filters, nof_filters, activation_func, pools, mfp=False, tags=None, name=None)[source]

Create a simple Model of a convolutional neural network. :param batch_size: Batch size (how many data samples are used in one

update step).
  • n_ch – Number of channels.
  • n_lab – Number of distinct labels (classes).
  • desired_input – Desired input image size. (Must be smaller than the size of the training images).
  • filters – List of filter sizes in each layer.
  • nof_filters – List of number of filters for each layer.
  • activation_func – Activation function.
  • pools – List of maxpooling factors for each layer.
  • mfp – List of bools that tell if max fragment pooling should be used in each layer (only intended for prediction).
  • tags – Tuple of tags for Input node (see docs of elektronn2.neuromancer.node_basic.Input).
  • name – Name of the model.

Network Model.